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Golden Globe goes to How To Train Your Dragon 2
Topic Started: 15 Jan 2015, 22:46 (11245 Views)
Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

However, the framework for the story of HTTYD 3 is supposedly already in place with production underway. Also, it typically takes some time for someone to buy into their own hype. I'm not immeadiately aware of any director/producer who won an award and then immediately turned around and totally gutted what they were already working on, making it worse in the process. Also worth noting that the flaws in HTTYD 2 (and I definitely agree they exist) happened without a previous award. I'm not sure that losing out on the Oscar would actually serve as any significant impetus for Dean to change anything.
1. The basic framework is supposedly already in place, true enough (though DeBlois is the same guy who changed the villain of HTTYD 2 partway through production, so it's not like big stupid changes are impossible at this point), but I sincerely doubt that it's been nearly polished enough yet (especially if we consider HTTYD 2 to be DeBlois' default writing state). It's the fine detail editing to the story that needs to be done to make it work, especially given what we know of DeBlois' solo ability from HTTYD 2 (get Sanders back in with him, and my hopes would jump up considerably).

2. While it does take some time for people to buy into their own hype bear in mind that DeBlois has been getting that hype since the first film came out (the only reason that HTTYD didn't win more awards was because of Toy Story 3, which was a level of competition unseen in animated films since then). That's getting close to five years now. That's more than enough time to start buying into that hype. Heck, if it's already started to happen, then that would explain a lot about HTTYD 2's more obvious flaws.

3. Yes, the flaws in HTTYD 2 happened without a previous Oscar, but there are two important factors to bear in mind:

(a) The Toy Story 3 factor. Being the (probable) runner-up to that is almost as good as winning the Oscar in any other year.

(b) DeBlois knew he had two more films, with a franchise that the Academy clearly liked on some level, to win an Oscar. If HTTYD 2 loses the Oscar, then DeBlois has one last shot at getting one before he has to basically start from scratch. It would be the last play of the game, the last lap of the race, and various other metaphors. Any human being would take that as motivation to double their efforts.

And in the end, I've still yet to hear an argument for how HTTYD 2 winning the Oscar will make the third film better, or how losing it will make the third film worse. In such situations, it seems most sensible to place one's hopes with the side that at least has an argument.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

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Since my dear friend deleted it:


(There was more, giving her justification to delete but I wanted to re-add that :p )

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Cartoon Freak
15 Jan 2015, 16:00
And before someone comments to this telling me it's flawed and stuff... don't waste your time. I still love this movie. If it wins, I don't care if it deserves it or not by the standerts, I'll be happy a movie that I liked won. End of story.
In such an event, will you also be happy that HTTYD 3 is doomed to mediocrity?

Think about it: in the event that HTTYD 2 wins the Best Animated Picture Oscar, then where's the motivation for DeBlois to improve? He'll already have received the highest honour that he can reasonably get in his current field (hypothetically, if he were to move into live action, he might think he stood a chance at a Best Picture win, but that's really outside my cares). At best, he'll stagnate. More likely, he'll regress, as better creators than him have done when faced with acclaim.

You don't know that for sure.
Lets say that Lego won the GG and then the Oscar. Would a sequel to that be doomed then as well because the creators had no push to do better?
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Dragon's Apprentice
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1. In the end, filmmakers are only human (I hope - though the idea of aliens making movies as some sort of prelude to an invasion isn't a bad one; I'll add it to the pile). Getting an award inevitably inflates the ego. In some cases, the effect might be small, but possessing that level of optimism (at least about something you can't change) is a surefire way to disappointment.

2. Okay, I'm calling your bluff: how will HTTYD 2 winning an Oscar improve the quality of HTTYD 3?

Okay i'm not on a httyd forum to discuss the human condition as you see it and how i see it. and i'm taking being optimistic as a compliment because i'd rather 900 days of "oh i cant wait" and the possibility of one day of "awh" then 900 days of "sigh- i'm not looking forward to this and i'mma tell everybody who is excited what's what" with maybe one day of "huh that's not bad". i mean i was as optimistic for httyd2 and that did everything but disappoint.

who said improve? i said it would mean nothing but good things. httyd3 will be httyd3 as it is. there will be no better or worse version of it. i'm just trying to point out that the creative staff are going to make it the best movie they can that will round off the trilogy nicely. And it's insulting to equate the creators of something like httyd to one dimensional characters like this. These are human- yes real people. Do you think they don't care if httyd3 is a flop? do you think they dont care about the quality of their work because of nominations and awards? did you not see the link of phil lord's reaction to not being nominated? he doesnt care, because he is still proud of what he made as every artist is.
Cartoon Freak
16 Jan 2015, 00:48
Um, HTTYD 2 is about as unnecessary sequel as you can get without being called "Toy Story 4." The story was over. The original film left no unresolved issues. It's part of what made it so brilliant.

And that's part of the reason for HTTYD 2's many flaws. With nowhere to naturally go with the story, they had to pull plot ideas out of a pile of bovine excrement. Yes, Hiccup's mother is alive for some reason, and there's this guy who wants to... uh, take over the world! Of course!

The result is a story that reads more like a fanfic than an official sequel. A very good fanfic, to be fair, but I hold professionals to higher standards than that.
You make one good point. Maybe it was unnecessary. (I apologize bad wording on my part- more so Was it a justified sequel?) Also was it unwanted? Was it a success? Maybe sequels ARE too much of a risk. Why did Cressida Cowell write more than one book? Maybe the plot had been resolved but their story wasn't over. Dean DeBlois story isn't over either.surely you can agree it was somewhat justified seeing as they could not have lived happily ever after, there is so much more of there universe to see and more of it for the characters to experience. That much is clear to me.

and "pull plot ideas out of a pile of bovine excrement"- i was under the assumption you were unintentionally insulting them but turns out your just on a HTTYD forum badmouthing it.
I think your in the wrong place mate.
You're obviously intelligent okay but.... dissing How to Train your Dragon on a How to train your Dragon website? I mean really?

okay so i'm done with this now, just a tip: be nice and don't push your opinions on people.
i'm not going to reply again if you do
"I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless? I guess you can only try."</3
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Dragon's Apprentice
16 Jan 2015, 03:34
You're obviously intelligent okay but.... dissing How to Train your Dragon on a How to train your Dragon website? I mean really?
Have you heard of a phenomenon called groupthink? From Wikipedia:
Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints, by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Loyalty to the group requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "ingroup" produces an "illusion of invulnerability" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "ingroup" significantly overrates its own abilities in decision-making, and significantly underrates the abilities of its opponents (the "outgroup"). Furthermore groupthink can produce dehumanizing actions against the "outgroup".
Just a cautionary warning for those who think this is a HTTYD forum, therefore everything we say must be in favor of Our Dear Glorious Movie.
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You have to give Dean atleast some credit. This is someone who refused to do a HTTYD 2 unless and until DW gave him a HTTYD 3, and now he has refused to do a 4th one. He is on board only for telling his story. You have to atleast consider this from DW's perspective. They finally struck gold with HTTYD, and they obviously wanted to add up on it. What's so wrong with that? And if it was not for Dean, we would have got a completely different HTTYD 2.
I mean, Dean clearly acknowledges this. He moved the story forward by 5 years because the ending of HTTYD was so perfect. That is enough proof that he knows what he is doing right?

Also, HTTYD 2 is not going to win an Oscar for the sake of HTTYD 3. If it wins, it is because it is a terrific movie that stayed true to its original and improved on all fronts.

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I wouldn't say HTTYD2 improved on all fronts. It was clear that Dean wanted to have a darker and more dramatic and tragic story, but his goal conflicted with the intended audience.
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Fair enough. But for me the main things that made HTTYD so special - the soundtrack, the Hiccup-Toothless relationship, and Hiccup's and Toothless's arc - are so amazingly done in the sequel. That's good enough for me to hold HTTYD 2 on the same level as HTTYD, if not better.

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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

Lets get one thing clear......

We all have our opinions here. Some people want HTTYD 2 to get the Oscar, David thinks that 'The Lego Movie' is also deserving of it.

[small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small]who cares[/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small]

But seriously, people have opinions, and arguing online is not going to win the Oscars for any of the movies.

Let us be the better part of the fandom (not the 9 year old fangirls), and not be biased. The Lego Movie was great, so was HTTYD, so was BH 6, so was The Box Trolls. If they were nominated, they deserve to win.

Just please stop throwing arguments around. ([small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small][small]People seem to have a problem with David. I mean almost every post he posts, there's an argument to follow.[/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small])

Both movies had faults (I can think of quite a few for both), and we need to acknowledge that they are both very different films.
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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I agree. And if any moderator is reading this, can you please take this thread down? No offence to anyone in here.

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