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HTTYD 3 Spoilers
Topic Started: 10 Aug 2016, 12:51 (2969 Views)
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So, for HTTYD 3, it will follow the books ending and end with no more dragons. Yep, the dragons are definitely going to disappear in HTTYD 3. We will find out why, how, and if they will be back in the movie.

Of course, getting there is a different story.

It has been confirmed the story will center around Toothless and Hiccup respectively, each leading their respective tribes. It has been confirmed that part of the movie will focus on Toothless. It is also confirmed that Toothless will (not surprisingly) struggle with his newfound independence.

It has been confirmed (again not surprisingly) that Drago would be back in HTTYD 3. No doubt he will likely be a big factor in why the dragons disappear.

This is not a confirmed spoiler, but obvious to anyone who is observant... that Drago's cloak is black and made of different scale sizes, so different dragon skins. The only black dragon in the franchise is the night fury. Also, the cloak is fireproof, and dragon skin is fireproof.

Now, it could be any dragon, but it would be a downright silly move to make it any other dragon. After all this could explain why we haven't found any night fury's. What if Drago was reponsible for their disappearance?

Also note in the early clips (before released, some were not in the final cut, see promo clips) that Valka says, "Oh a night fury... I've never seen one this close." (and only in the promo clips "He might very well be the last of his kind")

Also, Eret son of Eret knew it was a night fury from a distance and said "Well soil my britches! That IS a night fury! Thought we'd seen the last of those, eh lads!" Indicating that he had possibly (and probably) poached night furies in the past.

Also when Toothless flies by Drago, notice Drago knows immiedetely that it is a night fury, and is not at all intimidated. Why would he be intimidated if he had, in fact, killed numerous night furies in the past?

Now, I tried posting this on youtube, but it was deleted and banned worldwide. The last time that happened is when I pieced together clips to from the first fifteen minutes of the movie, and it turns out I had been correct.

Note: Youtube only immiedetely bans worldwide things that companies do not want people to see. What other reason would they have to ban it if it wasn't a spoiler they didn't want released?

Finally, now this is pure logic....

With Toothless and Hiccup leading respective tribes, and having to do what is best for their own kind, Toothless will undoubtedly do what is best by his own kin for the first time, and put Hiccup and his well-being second.

Now if there is a point where there is a betrayal of some sorts (perhaps a human killing a dragon friend of Toothless) then that would undoubtedly create a war between dragons and humans.

Lastly, the guilt of killing Stoick will likely be a burden on Toothless, and Hiccup may not be as able to forgive him as he thought he was able to be. Since Gerard Butler will return for HTTYD 3, it is only reasonable there will be flashbacks, indicating that what happened will haunt Hiccup and possibly form a rift between him and Toothless.

How all this happens, and what parts are true, are purely speculation and logic. Obviously, there will be some sort of war, there will likely be a moment where Hiccup and Toothless face off. (Honestly who DOESN'T want to see Toothless leading a dragon army against Berk? As painful as it would be to watch, I think I'd grab the popcorn and enjoy it, knowing it'd probably come to a peaceful yet heart wrenching end)

Remember, some of these I have seen in numerous articles, others are purely speculation based on what is in the movies, if you pay attention. If you put two and two together, its not hard to see this as a possible storyline for the movie.

Now of course, Dreamworks could play all nice and have Hiccup and Toothless get along, but where is the fun in that?
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Lone Dragon

Now, I tried posting this on youtube, but it was deleted and banned worldwide. The last time that happened is when I pieced together clips to from the first fifteen minutes of the movie, and it turns out I had been correct.

Note: Youtube only immiedetely bans worldwide things that companies do not want people to see. What other reason would they have to ban it if it wasn't a spoiler they didn't want released?
Youtube doesn't take down videos were people post theories, people do it quite often for many other franchises. Actually the Filmtheory and Gametheory channels live off of videos like that. Youtube has an auto take down system which took down your video because you used clips from the movie/movies. I'm not saying your wrong about your overall idea here, just that youtube's auto take down system doesn't work the way you think it does.

that Drago's cloak is black and made of different scale sizes, so different dragon skins. The only black dragon in the franchise is the night fury. Also, the cloak is fireproof, and dragon skin is fireproof.

Now, it could be any dragon, but it would be a downright silly move to make it any other dragon. After all this could explain why we haven't found any night fury's. What if Drago was reponsible for their disappearance?
This is the only thing I personally disagree with from your overall idea, all of my reasons I've already posted in this topic, http://forums.berksgrapevine.com/topic/11142370/1/ so I'm not going to relist everything here. Suffice it to say I feel the cloak looks nothing like a Nightfury, and we've seen no evidence that Nightfurys(or any dragon for that matter) considerably change their scale texture or color(because that cloak has little to no black in it) as they age. Lastly I still feel there is no reason to tell us why it seems like Toothless is the last Nightfury. I feel it would be better served if they left that detail up to the viewer. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with the idea and from a story perspective it is sound, and it would make sense having the villain do something like that. But as I said in the previous topic it to me spells out the end way to precisely. And I'd personally rather see the Nightfurys decline be left vague then see (what I feel is) a fairly bog standard ending. With that said I'd still rather have a fairly standard ending that is done well then nothing at all.

Other than the idea on Dragos cloak which is mostly just a personal thing for me I'll admit. Everything else is sound, and things that we've talked about on the forums here and there before. The last thing is I wouldn't consider any of this spoilers, but that might just be me so better to play it safe I suppose.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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Honestly, I agree to disagree on the cloak.

Toothless is the only night fury we have seen. We don't have any other night furies to compare, and other dragons have varied in size and color.

Honestly I think everyone who is hoping the extinction of night furies will remain a mystery will be let down. The entire franchise has been hinting to the discovery of more night furies and what happened to them. For Dreamworks to just go "Oh well they just disappeared" and not explain it would not be a smart move, especially since they have a worthy villain who they could easily tie into the story.

Honestly I get kind of sick of people saying that night furies should be a symbolic one of a kind thing, because honestly the whole climax of the franchise is going to be finding out WHY there is just Toothless and what happened to the rest of the night furies. If they don't at least show some footage of other night furies, in a flash back at the very least, they are going to have LOADS of unhappy fans because loads and loads of fan love the night fury and can't wait to see what in Thor's name happened to the rest of them.

Now, I respect that this is your opinion. Whichever side Dreamworks chooses to please, one thing is for certain; someone is going to be disappointed. Whether that be the people who wanted to see more night furies and didn't get to, or if they show night furies and the people who wanted to keep them as a symbolic one of a kind Toothless sorta thing would be let down. Either way, Dreamworks can't make everyone happy. Honestly they'll probably do what will make them the most money. (Which in my mind if they suddenly pull the cord and say "Oh we aren't showing any more night furies!" they would lose plenty of sales)

Anyway, thats just my two cents worth.
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Lone Dragon

Honestly, I agree to disagree on the cloak.
That's pretty much how the other topic ended as well. :P

I don't think Toothless should be one of a kind, but I do feel they should try to be vague about the existence of other Nightfurys in general. Having Drago come out and say he killed the last of the Nightfurys, I feel is just not the best way to go about it. But as you said they do have to address it one way or another, and so long as it's done well I'll be happy. (And I won't complain...To much :P )
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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I'm going to have to wait till it comes to DVD or iTunes as I'll sob like a baby in the cinema it be worse than Lord of the rings ending lol lol :(
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Funnily enough I remember that, and I was the creator of that thread as well.

Anyway, feel free to focus on other parts that have been confirmed.

We are probably going to see the final independence of both Hiccup and Toothless. Anyone else excited to see Toothless finally become independent again? I mean the last time we saw him truly independent was when he was wild.

Now for me the ending I would be most happy with is either one of these..

A. Toothless has to leave to save the dragons, and they go into a deep hibernation under the sea.
B. Toothless has to leave to save the night fury race with a female night fury, and finally be a dragon; and for the good of both human and dragon kind Hiccup realizes dragons and humans cannot peacefully coexist and so lets the dragons become free again.
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Dragon Egg

TheNightAndTheFury I hve been thinking about what will happen in HTTYD3 and what you posted I totally agree with you. All those ideas really put together what I have been thinking. And talking to my friend we did think that Drago probably has something to do with Night Furies being extinct.
- DragonRider015
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Razorwhip Rider

I am pretty positive I will cry in this movie, just saying. :'(
"There is no such thing as im-POSSIBLE, Hiccup, only im-PROBABLE. The only thing that limits us are the limits to our imagination." - Cressida Cowell
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Deadly Nadder

21 Apr 2017, 23:22
I am pretty positive I will cry in this movie, just saying. :'(
I just KNOW i will cry....I way to emotional at times.
Stoick: What in Thor's name is going on!?
Astrid: The eggs explode
- Gift of the Night Fury
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24 Apr 2017, 18:39
21 Apr 2017, 23:22
I am pretty positive I will cry in this movie, just saying. :'(
I just KNOW i will cry....I way to emotional at times.
Stupid dust. :snotlout:
Clouds of corn <3
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