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Your HTTYD 3 plot speculation?
Topic Started: 08 Sep 2017, 15:40 (10529 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

07 Sep 2017, 20:48
No, you make sense. I totally get what you're saying. Three is kinda the magic number for movies. It's not leaving unanswered questions, but it doesn't drag on.

(hehe. Drag on, dragon)
So I do make sense...and the pun , really!?
Stoick: What in Thor's name is going on!?
Astrid: The eggs explode
- Gift of the Night Fury
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The pun wasn’t really intended, until I realized what it spelled.
Engineer and Pyromaniac. What's not to love?

I plan to send a rocket to the edge of space before I turn 25
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:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Deadly Nadder

I thought that's what might of happened
Stoick: What in Thor's name is going on!?
Astrid: The eggs explode
- Gift of the Night Fury
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Ok in the last book it's very sad no ne dies ....well hiccup dies a very old man but the dragons go into hiding because of man killing them soooo I think they will disappear because of dragon hunters and by the way yes I sobbed like a baby even now I'm welling up it's a sad but ok ending lol god I won't be able to see the third at the cinema I'll have to wait lol
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I probably won't see HTTYD 3 in cinema either. Mostly because I'm gonna wait until it gets on them pirated sites :P .

(What?! You can't tell me you don't use 123movies)
Engineer and Pyromaniac. What's not to love?

I plan to send a rocket to the edge of space before I turn 25
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Sorry--as soon as Trump usurped the throne I coopted my Martian Archeologist account for politics...I need a bath...

What I still hope will happen in HTTYD3 is they model it after the plot in "The Black Stallion Returns". I think instead of going to Arabia, they should go to Khazakstan. There's a story that thematically matches the FIRST (not the last) of Cressida Cowell's HTTYD books. It also has some Mulan themes.

It's also breathakingly beautiful.


http://www.svidensky.com/images/Eagle-H ... ject11.jpg

Indie film:

And introducing a new character like this, in a new location like this, can continue the franchise.

Right. Now about that bath.
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I will see it in theaters. I understand the urge to watch it on a free site, but I like my first experience of it to be on a big screen. Just something about seeing it in a theater that cannot compare to seeing it on a computer or television. I admit seeing it on those platforms it loses some of its luster. Its just more impactful to see it on the big screen, and I am the type to take the front row center seat to get maximum effect. Yeah you have to keep turning your head, but being so close gives you more of a feeling that you are in their world. Thats just me though. After that I am cool watching it where ever, though I always buy the dvds. Just the initial experience though for me, has to be in a theater. Nothing quite compares to it in my opinion.
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While that is true, I’m kinda embarrassed to have to ask my parents to take me to watch it. I would prefer to see it on my own, which means waiting for a free streaming site.
Engineer and Pyromaniac. What's not to love?

I plan to send a rocket to the edge of space before I turn 25
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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To be upfront, I hope this film is very complex, realistic, and deep. I am not a fan of cliche happily ever after films that just brush details under the carpet for children to presumably miss and for adults to not care about. I understand that this is a PG kid's cartoon but still, DreamWorks did quite well with the first two films and in the series so I see no reason why they would not be just as if not even more creative and invested in this film's integrity. I would love to see a PG 13 or even R rated rendition of this film but that is obviously not going to happen. That level of depth, character development, and themes are what I hope the filmmakers tactfully explore though. I have 3 main thoughts about the film and what I would like to see regarding the latest synopsis and commentary from the director and other contributors of the film.

1. Mate Rejection
It is stated in the synopsis that Toothless discovers and is drawn away by an untamed elusive mate. I am going to say it is a safe bet that this "mate" is a female Night Fury and "mate" infers breeding/bonding and not just a friend so to speak. Toothless leaves in response to biological urges to mate that he cannot help versus leaving randomly or to hurt Hiccup...although tension between these characters would be nice to see. Being untamed and elusive though makes it clear that this female doesn't trust humans. Toothless is essentially helpless cripple in that he cannot fly, he trusts humans, and if all of his flying gear were removed, he would still likely reeks of them. Even if he is given an artificial tail, that would still be off putting as it is manmade and although he would be able to fly, he would not have near the speed and agility of a Night Fury with a fully functioning tail. I do not think the animators would recycle material like that from the Christmas short though. Not being able to fly is more or less a death sentence so from a survival standpoint within the female's perspective, there would be no way Toothless could protect and provide for her and their offspring let alone himself. Him being alpha and healthy despite his typically life threatening handicap would also be very confusing.

If Night Furies mated and then parted ways, she could potentially accept him to breed but if there is any type of bonding for an extended period of time, I do not see her accepting him unless she learns to accept humans to a degree. As sentient and intelligent as Night Furies are, I have a feeling that they do in fact bond as a pair so they can also work together to raise only one or a small number of young over a longer period of time versus producing numerous young frequently. Similar to elephants and primates, Night Furies likely mature slowly due to their massive cerebral development and intricate social structures. That would legitimately explain their superior intelligence and heightened level of altruism and empathy so naturally, they would require more care for a longer period of time as young in order to survive. According to Valka, Toothless is supposedly in his early to mid-20s like Hiccup by the time of the third film. For him to just now feel and respond to mating urges at this age suggests that he matures slower than humans who normally experience these urges almost 10 years earlier so that could be used to infer a Night Fury's life span to a degree as well. Despite his affectionate loyal disposition though, his handicap without the aid of a human would simply make him an unviable option as a mate.

2. Female is a Lure
It states in the synopsis that Toothless is the one who discovers the mate. He cannot fly so unless it is on Berk, Hiccup/someone has flown him to an island, or he has an automatic tail, all of which seem rather unlikely, I just cannot see how or why a female would suddenly appear. Hiccup and the riders have spent almost a decade looking for dragons, namely Night Furies without finding a single nesting site, habitual remains, or dragons living or dead. What are the odds that one lone female just happens to appear for Toothless to find right after he became the alpha? I do not think this is a coincidence. Drago and now likely Grimmel know of and more about Night Furies than anyone so far. Drago has a cape that is likely made of Night Fury skin and he recognized, as did Eret son of Eret, Toothless as Night Fury immediately as did Valka. They also know that Toothless is the alpha, a lone mature male, and that he is much more vulnerable away from Hiccup/vice versa. What better way to lure and distract a lonely male dragon that with a female of his species? I can't think of many. With Toothless captured or killed, it would take the antagonists one monumental step closer to having the dragons and rebellious vikings meet their demise.

3. Toothless Dies
If the filmmakers honor the premise that dragons will be leaving humans permanently, I cannot see any realistic way for Toothless to survive unless he stays behind with Hiccup or Hiccup comes with him. Both of these seem very unlikely as Hiccup must remain with his people as chief and Toothless just became the alpha so him giving it up so quickly seems rather odd especially with no offspring. "There were dragons when I was a boy" also clearly shows that Hiccup stays with his people and lives on granted the filmmakers choose to honor this. It also seems unlikely that DreamWorks would have Toothless fly off as alpha to lead the dragons with an artificial tail as again, that is recycled Christmas short material and even more notably, his impending death would be left hanging in the air. With time and use or any conflict, the tail would no longer operate, rendering him unable to survive let alone serve as the alpha. It isn't in Toothless's proud nature to have dragons fly him to fresh water, feed him, and tend to his every need. He would ultimately be picked off by other dragons or succumb to dehydration/starvation/any illness due to poor health and weakened state. This is too drawn out and although sad, not a memorable enough way for such a beloved character to die.
That being said, if Toothless is to die, it won't be left in the air for audience members to imagine and speculate. The filmmakers will make his death be an emotionally impactful contribution to the film and candidly displayed on screen. Something embodying what he and Hiccup mean to each other would be very effective...ie him sacrificing himself so Hiccup can live, Hiccup must make his "impossible decision" to leave Toothless behind to likely die so he, in turn, can live and lead his tribe etc. Anything of that powerful sentimental nature would be an incredible way to exemplify the truly endearing qualities and true essence of Toothless's bond with Hiccup. The Hicstrid, new mate, human drama is all lovely but the bond between Hiccup and Toothless is and will likely remain the ultimate core of the film series.

In closing, I am very excited for 3/1/19 and any potential short or series between the second and third film like RoB DoB RTTE. I wonder if it is a coincidence that the film is being released on Hiccup's Birthday (Born on 2/29 but since 2019 is not a leap year, his birthday is 3/1). My birthday is soon after too so yippee! I cannot wait to see how DreamWorks pulls this film off in a satisfying way should the mate accept him despite his severe handicap/humans, he finds her truly in the wild by coincidence versus her being a lure or present for some other reason, and he somehow can survive despite dragons, including him, leaving humans permanently.
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[color=#B40431]Winner of Shnuckle's Oneshot Fanfiction Contest 2014

With the whole Toothless dying thing, I wouldn't necessarily put it past Dreamworks but I do want to point out that in the books every dragon has fully functional gills as well as lungs, therefore are capable of living in the water. Therefore if they are going to get specifically similiar to the end of the book, Toothless could realistically leave Hiccup through the water with gills (if he has them) like in the books instead of outright dying.
'There Were Dragons When I Was A Boy…'

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