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DreamWorks Needs Our Help
Topic Started: 26 Jan 2015, 14:07 (5357 Views)
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As you recently found out, Dragons 3 is pushed back to 2018 sometime in June. It's not that big of a deal to me, though. We just have something to look forward to and they'll have the time to make it, ya' know? It'll be a lot better this way. But, in sad news...

DreamWorks had to shut down one of its studios, and I'm not concerned because of that fact that that studio helped a lot with Dragons 3, I'm concerned for those who have lost their jobs due to such a thing. I know the government can help those people in some way until they can find a decent job, but...

DreamWorks needs our help.

We need to stop pirating their movies and posting them online, we need to go see them and pay for them. Buy the DVDs, buy the Soundtracks, go see any DW movie that comes out to your theater. Even if it's not Dragons. People lost their job and we need to help before more lose their jobs.

So, any DreamWorks movies coming out I plan to go see or at least buy their DVDs, or watch them on Netflix to give support. Those people over there provide entertainment for families and friends, so, why don't we start donations towards them?

We could open up a donation and send some help over to them. It might not be much, but it can make a difference, if little or big. :toothless:
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While I am in complete support of your good intentions, and I really hate to be the bringer of bad/pessimistic news: all this really won't make a difference. Let's be realistic, the dedicated HTTYD fans who would make such a personal sacrifice for a company is limited to the 10s of thousands, maximum. Now being extremely generous, like crazily generous, us not pirating movies will at best give DW $5000- $200,000. Now let's view this in perspective of how much revenue one of their movie makes; compared to HTTYD 2 that's about 0.02% of the movie's income. Even if we managed to conjure up tens of millions, it would not make a sufficient difference.

What i'm trying to say here is that the power to save DW really lies on a much larger scale: DreamWorks' economic decisions, or nationwide policies on movie piracy. I'm not saying to not hope, but I will say it will only lead to disappointment. Rather roll with the flow, DreamWorks knows HTTYD is a high-grossing franchise, so in that sense I doubt it would be in much danger unless DW themselves closes down.
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[i]Chief of the Illuminati

26 Jan 2015, 22:19
While I am in complete support of your good intentions, and I really hate to be the bringer of bad/pessimistic news: all this really won't make a difference. Let's be realistic, the dedicated HTTYD fans who would make such a personal sacrifice for a company is limited to the 10s of thousands, maximum. Now being extremely generous, like crazily generous, us not pirating movies will at best give DW $5000- $200,000. Now let's view this in perspective of how much revenue one of their movie makes; compared to HTTYD 2 that's about 0.02% of the movie's income. Even if we managed to conjure up tens of millions, it would not make a sufficient difference.

What i'm trying to say here is that the power to save DW really lies on a much larger scale: DreamWorks' economic decisions, or nationwide policies on movie piracy. I'm not saying to not hope, but I will say it will only lead to disappointment. Rather roll with the flow, DreamWorks knows HTTYD is a high-grossing franchise, so in that sense I doubt it would be in much danger unless DW themselves closes down.

That's very true, but I feel that we should help in any way we can, regardless of how small. After all, if you can't feed 100, feed one. ;)

So far, I've bought both OSTs and a poster, as well as two Toothless plushes and an eBook. That probably contributed about 120 USD. :P
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Dreamworks Merchandising already has all my money. Seriously, it is a bit crazy. I don't think I could even list it all at this point.
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[i]Chief of the Illuminati

26 Jan 2015, 23:12
Dreamworks Merchandising already has all my money. Seriously, it is a bit crazy. I don't think I could even list it all at this point.
LOL ^_^
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Cartoon Freak
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Buy the DVDs, buy the Soundtracks, go see any DW movie that comes out to your theater. Even if it's not Dragons.
To put it simply, I'm not going to use my hard-earned money to see something that I will almost certainly not like, which is basically what most Dreamworks movies amount to for me. Now, obviously I won't pirate said movies either; I just won't see them at all, except possibly on DVDs from the bargain bin, because even that would be more money than they're worth to me.

Now, to people who think there's a decent chance that they'll like a Dreamworks movie, please, by all means, see it. If you see it, certainly do so in a legal manner, most likely one that involves paying money (Dreamworks movies can be seen on free-to-air TV from time to time, and that's a perfectly acceptable method of watching it). But if you are fairly certain that you won't like it, then don't see it, unless you're really desperate to see a movie and that one still winds up at the top of your list.

We shouldn't reward Hollywood for pushing out tripe, because then we'll just get more tripe. There are more than enough good movies to watch that we should be rewarding the production of quality. And in the end, however you spend your money, it's going to help someone keep their job. A Dreamworks employee is not inherently more deserving of employment than a person working at any other studio.
We could open up a donation and send some help over to them. It might not be much, but it can make a difference, if little or big.
Okay, this is ridiculous; Dreamworks is not a charity. There are millions, if not billions, of people in the world more in need of help. Donate your excess money to organisations that help those people.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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26 Jan 2015, 23:09
26 Jan 2015, 22:19
While I am in complete support of your good intentions, and I really hate to be the bringer of bad/pessimistic news: all this really won't make a difference. Let's be realistic, the dedicated HTTYD fans who would make such a personal sacrifice for a company is limited to the 10s of thousands, maximum. Now being extremely generous, like crazily generous, us not pirating movies will at best give DW $5000- $200,000. Now let's view this in perspective of how much revenue one of their movie makes; compared to HTTYD 2 that's about 0.02% of the movie's income. Even if we managed to conjure up tens of millions, it would not make a sufficient difference.

What i'm trying to say here is that the power to save DW really lies on a much larger scale: DreamWorks' economic decisions, or nationwide policies on movie piracy. I'm not saying to not hope, but I will say it will only lead to disappointment. Rather roll with the flow, DreamWorks knows HTTYD is a high-grossing franchise, so in that sense I doubt it would be in much danger unless DW themselves closes down.

That's very true, but I feel that we should help in any way we can, regardless of how small. After all, if you can't feed 100, feed one. ;)
Well, that would be ideal, if that was how money worked ;). It's not as if our thousands will directly go to the 1 lucky guy; it'll be used at best for a movie budget or for legal matters such as selling the company. I do have to agree with David Ker on this one.
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Night Fury
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Terrible Terror

Nice thought, but I've probably already spent close to $1000 on merchandise, DVDs and movie tickets. I also bought 20 shares of DWA stock.

I kind of have to side with Cartoon Freak on this one, but go ahead and donate money if it makes you feel better.
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Yep, I agree with Cartoon Freak on this. As much as we all might love HTTYD, at the end of the day, they are just movies. There are a lot more pressing issues and a lot of people whose lives could be made better with the same money. Dreamworks is suffering because of poor and stupid marketing, and they also seriously need better people making their trailers.

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Night Fury
27 Jan 2015, 21:18
Nice thought, but I've probably already spent close to $1000 on merchandise, DVDs and movie tickets. I also bought 20 shares of DWA stock.

I kind of have to side with Cartoon Freak on this one, but go ahead and donate money if it makes you feel better.
You sure buying that stock was a good idea? xD

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