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Dean On Httyd3
Topic Started: 01 Feb 2015, 21:36 (5331 Views)
Berserk Shieldmaiden
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Superior Warriorness


It sounds like we're going to see different moments through out Hiccup's life. That explains why Gerald Butler was cast as a voice over for HTTYD3.
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I'm glad to hear that our confusion on Stoick's role in Dragons 3 has been solved. Or at least as we think.

I'm also stoked to hear that Toothless gets more attention in the trilogy! I think learning about his past is better than bringing in another Night Fury, even if that Night Fury wasn't meant to be a love interest for Toothless at all. ;)

I'm a little apprehensive about the storyline jumping backwards and forwards in time as much as DeBlois made it sound like. If he meant he would achieve that storyline with flashbacks as they were used in Dragons 2, I'll be ok with it. I think one for Hiccup and one for Toothy is just fine. But I don't want to see over-extended flashbacks all over the place. I want the plot to focus the majority of it's hour-and-a-half to where our alphas are now and how they progress in the present and how they face the challenges in their new lives.
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I think what Dean meant by that is that the story starts quite sometime after the events of HTTYD 2 when all is fine between Hiccup and Toothless. But then, someone may question Toothless's loyalty and Hiccup gets reminded about what happened to Stoick, and there maybe flashbacks about the immediate aftermath of that.

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My only master is the free wind

Interesting information.

I like the fact that Toothless is still been treated as a character and the fact he gets more screen time and development. I don't know what to make of the rest of the information until I see the actual movie.
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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Honestly, I'm worried by this news. I don't think DeBlois is a good enough director or writer to pull off non-linear storytelling. The flashbacks in HTTYD 2, while far from the worst I've seen, are obtrusive at best, and frankly raised more questions than they answered.

I'm reminded of two different superhero movies. The first is Batman Begins. This used non-linear storytelling very well, jumping between points in Batman's life in a way that made sense and showed his character growth. From what I understand, this is far from being Nolan's only film to use non-linear storytelling.

The second film is Man of Steel, a film that was clearly inspired by Batman Begins, especially in its use of non-linear storytelling. To put it simply, it does not do it nearly as well, with the jumps in time being forced at best and downright confusing at worst.

I mention this because Snyder and DeBlois are similar directors in many ways. Both are very good when it comes to making striking visuals, but fall short in the plot and character department, the two areas most effected by heavy use of flashbacks. Both would benefit from telling a straightforward, linear story, allowing them to focus on their strengths. Unfortunately, both look set to try to stretch their abilities too far, hurting their films in the process.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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I agree. Also, I guess Dean has a habit of revealing way too much before the movie is even finished. I mean, we know how HTTYD 3 is going to end. And the HTTYD 2 trailer basically gave the whole film away. I would prefer a simple story told excellently over a complicated story told in haste. Did he actually say Toothless's past would be revealed? That worries me a lot. Telling us Toothless's past before he met Hiccup means that there needs to be atleast one extra character that needs to be included to the 3rd film, and this franchise does not need that. The existing characters themselves have too many questions to answer.

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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

And the HTTYD 2 trailer basically gave the whole film away.
To play DeBlois' Advocate here, that wasn't really his fault. The trailer was made by other people and, from what I gather, without the knowledge of DeBlois or other creative staff. Sure, he was very open about the Valka reveal after that, but by that point it was common knowledge.

In fact, now that I stop to think about it, I really have no idea how much DeBlois gave away that wasn't in the trailer, and thus how much he would be likely to give away about HTTYD 3 (assuming it doesn't have a trailer with any large spoilers).
Telling us Toothless's past before he met Hiccup means that there needs to be atleast one extra character that needs to be included to the 3rd film, and this franchise does not need that.
I hadn't considered that problem, yet it is a very big one. Apart from adding another character to the rather bloated cast, as well as their associated plot points, it also raises a significant problem: how is this character supposed to know that Toothless is this Night Fury he or she knows about? Sure, there aren't any Night Furies around that people know about, but it's still one heck of a leap to just assume that you know this random Night Fury's backstory.

The alternative is that we do see things directly from Toothless' perspective. This has some precedent, in that we did see things directly from his perspective in the "Toothless Found" scene, which, issues with that scene aside, worked quite well. However, having an entire flashback sequence from Toothless' perspective is different, in that the audience is given information that Hiccup doesn't have. Unless of course, they have random magic mind-meld tricks, which I really don't want for entirely different reasons.

Yeah, I'm really not seeing a way this can work. Toothless is one of those characters that is simply better observed from outside, not completely understanding him. It's what separates him from the many talking dragons of fantasy stories.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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Oh yeah? I did not know that. Directors usually see how the trailers of their films are before releasing them right? If Dean did not know that, the fault is all the more with him then. For all he knew, Stoick's death could have also been given away in the trailer.

And can anyone think of any good reasons why Eret was added in the 2nd film? The only thing I can come up with that actually makes sense is Eret betraying Hiccup in HTTYD 3.

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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Directors usually see how the trailers of their films are before releasing them right?
I was certainly under the impression that the opposite was true, that is directors generally have nothing to do with the trailers at all.

Anyone have a good source on this one way or the other?
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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My only master is the free wind

I think, don't quote me on that, that Dean said in an intereview one time that he wanted Valka being Hiccup's mother being kept a secret until the movie's release and that he did fight for that to be kept a secret. Eventually, since it wasn't what they called "a 3rd act reveal", so he compromised.

In general though, I don't think directors are really involved with the trailers. I do believe they do have SOME saying about them, they make the movies after all, but I have no idea how much their words are being considered in the final cut of them...
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