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Httyd SJW backlash
Topic Started: 02 Jun 2018, 13:30 (3171 Views)
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Dragon Trainer class 5

Before i start i just want to let you all know that this thread shall not and should not and is not here to start arguments or fights. we are all fans of the httyd universe and we should all respect and understand eachothers opinions, suggestions and ideas, whether or not they are diffrent. this is my opinion and we are all intitled to have our own opinions. im not propoganding or telling everyone they are wrong i am just posting this topic to get a feel for how you all feel about this cause to me the people here in the forum, on fanfic and on the httyd fandom page are the true fans not some people who just want to change everything to fit their views.

Recently i was looking on twitter at all the feed back of the new poster for the movie and it seems as though many people feel like Dreamworks is forcing and pushing the Toothless love story and many SJW's feel like the movie is forcing heterosexuality on the fandom and pushing heterosexuality propoganda.

one page on FB "Tracer Booty" sharred screen shots of more of this backlash and some of it is just disaapointment from dreamworks throwing in a cliche love intrest but the heaviest arguments are SJWs and femenists being pissed of that the movie is being released during "pride month" and theirs no homosexual input or anything.

Now in my opinion i believe that these people need to wait for the trailer and possibly see the movie before reacting so harshly to it and also i believe that a movie should be force to include everthing a specific grouo wants that isnt really fans of the universe, that they only want to push their ideas on companies and make them change things to fit and push their ideas. to me that is sad and ignorant to the rest of the population and fans alike. This generation of teens (i am from the 90s generation and i am speaking about the 2000s generation) are definitly standing up for what they believe in and using social media and the tools at their disposial to show thier views and tell cooperations what they want to see but their are other people in that same generation that are going to the extreeme to no advise but Force companies to change to fit their views because they are to ignorant to understand that everyone is diferent and everyone has thier own opinions and ideas ( like i have stated at the top of this "rant"). but apologies im getting of topic.....

Httyd has always been a huge part of my life, i am a huge fan and i dont want to see it ruined by people who cant accept that people have other ideas and opinions and that the SJW movement should be forced into everything in the world. it ruins creativiy and originality and if it becomes part of the HTTYD universe i will have to abandon it to the SJW wasteland of ruined creativity.

Now what are your opinions??
do you think that toothless should be homo or hetero??
Do you think these people are right for calling out dreamworks??

you read my rant now i want to see what you all have to say.

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[color=#B40431]Winner of Shnuckle's Oneshot Fanfiction Contest 2014

This is the most bizzare thing I've ever read and I'm going to address this in my opinion from a logical sidepoint and not bring whatever my beliefs and biases are, because I don't think these are relevant to the central conversation. Whatever your beliefs and ideals are, if you'd like media to represent a certain group- race,religion,gender ect ect ect ect., you do so in a way that says 'hey we don't see many characters representing x group, perhaps we should fix that and talk about it in a peaceful and not enraged way about how x group is GENERALLY not getting represented. It is not ok to slander one specific movie and target it out for forcing your agendas down people's throats. There's plenty of other movies with straight characters..... like a whole boatload. The majority. Because the majority of the population is straight. I'm not saying different people shouldn't be represented, but I am saying that targeting one specific movie just because you want it to have such and such is insane. Also people need to realize that creators typically make movies and other media of people they know well. If people want more diversity, more diverse people are going to have to step into the industry. Authors don't owe you anything. If you think diversity is important in media then actually do something about it instead of attacking someone else's art. Go out there and get into the industry if you have such great ideas for things. Then the characters can be yours and do whatever YOU want and people can be angry at you for not including whatever you didn't include :)
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Female Winged Wonder

Exactly. I don't feel that DreamWorks is forcing any propaganda with this. Personally, I think that if they made Toothless homosexual, it would feel very forced, like the only purpose would be to promote gay relationships.

I've heard several claims that Gobber is gay, but I don't really believe them.
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"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
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twelve days north of hopeless

I just saw this stuff on tumblr.
Like, let's just get this straight (pun?). Doing this kind of "well HTTYD is being homophobic for not making Toothless gay" shit is not helping Anyone. It's just stupid.
As a member of the LGBT community, the LAST thing that I (or anyone else I would think) want is for people who are not in the community to have a bad view of us. When you scream about DreamWorks being homophobic you are NOT helping anyone, and you're giving everyone else who reads your angry tweets the impression that you're a brat. I'm not saying that we don't need more gay representation, because I am 100% all for that. I'm gay. If I said I didn't want more gay characters I'd be lying and a hypocrite. But attacking franchises that have done nothing bad just because they DON'T have gay characters is wrong. HTTYD has never given hints that Toothless is gay (or straight for that matter, they've literally never been like "hey Toothless is x sexuality"), therefore he can be whatever they make him out to be. It's their choice and they don't owe our community anything. No one has a right to get angry about Toothless not being gay when it's not like there were any plans for him to be gay in the first place. Like Hope_and_Heir said, it's not fair to slander HTTYD for this. If we want diversity and representation, we need to help create it ourselves and not attack people for not doing so.
A lot of tumblr and other places where the LGBT community is present may seem reactionary and annoying at times, and honestly they really do not paint a good image of their community. I hope that a couple of loud idiots on Twitter don't change your opinion of us as a whole.
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Dragon Egg

Just wanted to point out that Dean DeBlois is actually gay which makes this backlash all the more ironic.
"There were dragons...when I was a boy. Where they went, only a few know. Our story changed the world forever.”

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Female Winged Wonder

03 Jun 2018, 03:12
Just wanted to point out that Dean DeBlois is actually gay which makes this backlash all the more ironic.
Never knew that.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
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02 Jun 2018, 18:45
Authors don't owe you anything. If you think diversity is important in media then actually do something about it instead of attacking someone else's art. Go out there and get into the industry if you have such great ideas for things. Then the characters can be yours and do whatever YOU want and people can be angry at you for not including whatever you didn't include :)
Yes! No one owes you anything. Authors can make what they want and shouldn't throw political or social buzzwords in to get more money or to try to pacify angry crowds or to try to get the media to like them. They can just make a good story and anyone who doesn't like it can just not watch it.
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Night Fury
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Setting aside whether or not he should be straight, this kind of thing tends to happen when you leave a character's sexuality unaddressed for a long time, and then all of a sudden turn it into a focal point.
02 Jun 2018, 20:26
I've heard several claims that Gobber is gay, but I don't really believe them.
It's true -- him being gay was confirmed by DeBlois back in 2014. There were both positive and negative reactions expressed at the time. It was slightly more subdued than the reaction to Toothless' straightness, but that's likely because Gobber is a secondary character and the in-movie reference to his sexuality was pretty vague to begin with.

As mentioned, DeBlois himself is gay, so I don't see any agenda on the part of him or DreamWorks. Having said that, despite how far we've come in terms of acceptance, revealing a character as straight is still the less-risky of the two options. DreamWorks wants to attract the largest audience, so they're obviously going to go with what's least risky, unless they feel they can get away with the risky option, such as in the case of Gobber.

That's why I think sometimes the best option is to leave a character's sexuality (or lack thereof) to the imagination, especially when people have grown accustomed to their own interpretation of that character.
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Female Winged Wonder

Oh. I heard about the interview, but I didn't know it was DeBlois. I guess it's true then.

I also want to point out that with Toothless appearing to be the last of his species, the sudden arrival of a female is bound to lead to baby night furies. The continuation of the species is kind of the "elephant in the room" here. If Toothless were gay, that would kinda defeat the purpose.
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
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twelve days north of hopeless

To me, it just feels like people got tired of getting angry at the other dragon's color and jumped onto the next thing they could complain about. It's a dragon's sexuality, really? All I care is whether or not the movie is good honestly, I couldn't care less about whether or not this relationship is gay or straight.
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