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HTTYD 3 criticism has gotten ridiculous
Topic Started: 02 Nov 2019, 18:29 (9278 Views)
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twelve days north of hopeless

I'm well aware that like, many of you will disagree with this but I really think that most people who incessantly bash on HTTYD3 need to like. take a step back and look at some things. I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, I more so just want to know WHY you guys are so adamant on acting like this?
I've been here since 2014 and I know HTTYD2 criticism existed too. But it felt like people were handling it better. If they didn't like it, they left the fandom or made a few review posts about it and then like, starting writing fanfiction or something. I literally can't go five seconds on tumblr without seeing a thousand untagged Light Fury hateposts. And like, I get it. That character not a popular idea in the HTTYD fandom. I know that and I've been there.
The problem with like, unabashed hatred of this character and the whole series is that it veers so hard into "this female character is a massive b*tch and I hate her" territory when like, this is an animal. I know we all love HTTYD and want to pretend that the dragons are like, magical beings capable of human-level emotions but all of the movies are pretty intent on saying they are animals. Even in Gift of the Night Fury they were animals. They've always been animals. The level of hate that HTTYD3 received for implying that the dragons are animals that aren't always 100% thinking about their human partners is like, wild. That's just how it's always been.
I think everybody needs to remember that this is an animated series aimed at kids/teenagers before they go off like this. It wasn't really created for us. But mostly I just want to know why people think the level of hate HTTYD3 (and subsequent stuff, like Homecoming) is justifiable. Not wanting to start a fight, I really just want to have a discussion lol
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I'll try to explain some of my thoughts and opinions, especially since this post is probably aimed at me more than anyone else here.

I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, I more so just want to know WHY you guys are so adamant on acting like this?
Because it sucks seeing the franchise I followed and loved for 9 years end with what I find to be a very poorly written movie that contains bad messages/undertones. It especially hurt because I trusted DreamWorks, even as more and more news came out that I didn't really like the sound of. And like...if I find a movie to be very poorly written among other things why wouldn't I criticize it?

I've been here since 2014 and I know HTTYD2 criticism existed too. But it felt like people were handling it better. If they didn't like it, they left the fandom or made a few review posts about it and then like, starting writing fanfiction or something.
Probably because HTTYD 2 didn't do things like make all the dragons leave, and it also wasn't the last movie, if people had issues with it there was a chance the third film could address them. Also some people simply don't want to leave a fandom they've been in for many many years even if they really dislike a part of the franchise, especially considering they probably still love other parts of it.

I literally can't go five seconds on tumblr without seeing a thousand untagged Light Fury hateposts.
Where are all these hateposts? I'm on Tumblr a lot and purposefully go looking for what you probably consider "hateposts" and I don't see that many anymore. It's like, one person who you can easily block.

The problem with like, unabashed hatred of this character and the whole series is that it veers so hard into "this female character is a massive b*tch and I hate her" territory when like, this is an animal. I know we all love HTTYD and want to pretend that the dragons are like, magical beings capable of human-level emotions but all of the movies are pretty intent on saying they are animals. Even in Gift of the Night Fury they were animals. They've always been animals. The level of hate that HTTYD3 received for implying that the dragons are animals that aren't always 100% thinking about their human partners is like, wild. That's just how it's always been.
Okay, except there's evidence to the contrary. If DreamWorks wanted to always portray them as "just wild animals" then they failed at that for a lot of people including myself. I can understand where you're coming from though and respect your opinion, so can I ask you please give us the same respect and accept that some people think differently? Like the way you wrote some of this rubs me the wrong way, I know you probably didn't mean it to come off that way but like. Maybe say something like "I personally believe that DreamWorks intended for the dragons to always be just wild animals and always saw them that way, so that parts of HTTYD 3 doesn't bother me." instead of "They've always been animals." and "That's just how it's always been.".

Also "The level of hate that HTTYD3 received for implying that the dragons are animals that aren't always 100% thinking about their human partners is like, wild." ummmmm.....who is getting upset about the dragons not thinking about their human companions every second of every day? This is a ridiculous exaggeration of what people are saying.

"I think everybody needs to remember that this is an animated series aimed at kids/teenagers before they go off like this. It wasn't really created for us."
Why does the fact it's aimed towards a younger audience mean we shouldn't criticize it? Don't kids deserve quality entertainment too? Like of course different things are to be expected in a PG rated film vs an R rated film (and for good reason), but if people find a film badly written and/or find it to have bad messages/undertones they shouldn't criticize it just because it's marketed towards a younger audience? I just don't understand this whole "it's just a kid's movie so it's okay if it's not very good" like...??? Shouldn't we want kids to have the best entertainment possible? I really just don't understand, especially since the first two films managed to be enjoyable for both kids, teenagers, and adults alike...why should the third film be any different?

Hope this didn't come off as super aggressive or rude or anything, I'm just tired of hearing some of these things lol. I'd willing to explain myself more if you want as long as this stays relatively respectful.
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Now although I can kinda see both sides of the argument, I have to say, I agree with you, Whitefang. Now, maybe I'm just looking at this franchise through rose-tinted spectacles, but I feel like HTTYD3 was a beautiful ending to a fantastic series. Could some aspects of it have been done better? Probably. But I'll continue to enjoy it for what it is. ;)
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"Rhowrl" Oh well, i guess i´m badly needed here !!!

HA !!! Finally a Theme i can wrote a Story and One Billion Books about, well just face it guys our 3rd one sucks in all ways and that White s***** thing (LUNA how she´s Originally Named in the Books of Cowell #CANONCHARACTER) also does that. The only thing what´s Ridiculous is your Poll, Comment, and Opinion here Whitefang. - Since the very 1st time i´ve seen that white s***** thing, i already had my problems with her and i never liked her to 100% i also really hate that White thing. And yeah i´m one of the LIGHT F*** haters !!! Your Points are complete B*******, Love or Hate it. *I don´t want to Start a War* Really Girl ? - I don´t want to buy that, for me it sounds so to be honest. The Community is right with it, if they saying Mrs. Light S*** would be a B**** she actually is one !!! - A Character that was only created to getting F***** by our beloved Alpha Toothy, thats her only reason to exist. Same with Astrid by the way, cause she don´t even exists in the Original HTTYD Books of Cowell. Astrid was created by DWA, but nothing against our good old Astrid here. Peace ! - I´m also sure that the Night Lights > Dusk, Dawn and Eclipse - How awesome they may be and are, and yeah i really love those 3 too. -but i guess they´re also NON-CANON and also don´t even exist in the Books, i´m sure that Toothy and Luna don´t doing it in the Books even Luna (Mrs. Light F***) is a CANON CHARACTER - Plus a other fact: The whole 3rd one has a lot of very very big problems to deal with, > Plot Holes / Logical Failures all the way / To many new Characters that show up and we don´t even get any Info´s about them > Luna / Grimmel and Co. < THW only causes a lot of Troubles that kills the entire Franchise, and it already started back in RTTE if you ask me. I already made a own Poll about my Reasons and Problems i have with THW here [HTTYD 4 & 5 (Good Reasons for it)]. Maybe you should check that out 1st before, you telling us the s***** stupid opinion of yours. - Aaaaand after all, its called D R A G O N S and not H U M A N S :drago: !!!! - This shoud be for Kids ? Yeah yeah, totally sure... Yeah, i know its based on a Kids Novel / Book but this ? Sry, but THW is not for Kids anymore. What´s that LOVE INTEREST s*** there ha ? - Very Kid-Friendly to made a Movie with a´´HIDDEN PERVERT MESSAGE´´ in it well done S***WORKS !!!! >:( -_- Dear Odin / In Odin´s Name !


Sry if i used some hard words here - it just needs to be sayed - Peace have a nice Day my dear Fighter´s - Your Blackburn Cave !!! :toothless:
"Rhowrl" Hey my dear Fighter´s, and what´s up ?

Yeah here´s no other than your good old Irish Alpha Blackburn Cave right in Person, well you should know me 8) ;)
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07 Nov 2019, 10:11
"Rhowrl" Oh well, i guess i´m badly needed here !!!

HA !!! Finally a Theme i can wrote a Story and One Billion Books about, well just face it guys our 3rd one sucks in all ways and that White s***** thing (LUNA how she´s Originally Named in the Books of Cowell #CANONCHARACTER) also does that. The only thing what´s Ridiculous is your Poll, Comment, and Opinion here Whitefang. - Since the very 1st time i´ve seen that white s***** thing, i already had my problems with her and i never liked her to 100% i also really hate that White thing. And yeah i´m one of the LIGHT F*** haters !!! Your Points are complete B*******, Love or Hate it. *I don´t want to Start a War* Really Girl ? - I don´t want to buy that, for me it sounds so to be honest. The Community is right with it, if they saying Mrs. Light S*** would be a B**** she actually is one !!! - A Character that was only created to getting F***** by our beloved Alpha Toothy, thats her only reason to exist. Same with Astrid by the way, cause she don´t even exists in the Original HTTYD Books of Cowell. Astrid was created by DWA, but nothing against our good old Astrid here. Peace ! - I´m also sure that the Night Lights > Dusk, Dawn and Eclipse - How awesome they may be and are, and yeah i really love those 3 too. -but i guess they´re also NON-CANON and also don´t even exist in the Books, i´m sure that Toothy and Luna don´t doing it in the Books even Luna (Mrs. Light F***) is a CANON CHARACTER - Plus a other fact: The whole 3rd one has a lot of very very big problems to deal with, > Plot Holes / Logical Failures all the way / To many new Characters that show up and we don´t even get any Info´s about them > Luna / Grimmel and Co. < THW only causes a lot of Troubles that kills the entire Franchise, and it already started back in RTTE if you ask me. I already made a own Poll about my Reasons and Problems i have with THW here [HTTYD 4 & 5 (Good Reasons for it)]. Maybe you should check that out 1st before, you telling us the s***** stupid opinion of yours. - Aaaaand after all, its called D R A G O N S and not H U M A N S :drago: !!!! - This shoud be for Kids ? Yeah yeah, totally sure... Yeah, i know its based on a Kids Novel / Book but this ? Sry, but THW is not for Kids anymore. What´s that LOVE INTEREST s*** there ha ? - Very Kid-Friendly to made a Movie with a´´HIDDEN PERVERT MESSAGE´´ in it well done S***WORKS !!!! >:( -_- Dear Odin / In Odin´s Name !


Sry if i used some hard words here - it just needs to be sayed - Peace have a nice Day my dear Fighter´s - Your Blackburn Cave !!! :toothless:
Okay, first of all, STOP WITH THE CUSSING! Yes, you had an opinion to share, a less-than-pleasantly stated one, but there was no need for the language. You could have expressed your views much more politely. ^)

Second, don't attack Whitefang, she just gave her own opinion. Having had her on the forums for as long as she's been here, I can confirm she meant no ill will, just wanted to know why people aren't fond of the third movie. -_-

Third, the books and the movies are two totally different universes. What the books say does not dictate what happens in the movies. Even if the Light Fury is based off of Luna, that doesn't mean that's specificly what she's called in the films. And it's not valid to say that characters who didn't appear in the books can't be considered 'canon' in the film's universe. If that were true, the whole plot would be 'non-canon' because it's a totally different story than the books.

Sure, the third film had a lot of issues with it, but there's no need to attack people over different views, with or without bad language. This is a place where dragon fans of all ages can discuss the whole Dragons franchise, and express different views without arguments or insults ;)
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"Rhowrl" To: Dragondog

Honestly Dude ? - Says a 19 Year old sucking jerk to me which defends Mrs. Light F*** !!! >:( I give a s*** about if the Movies may be NON-CANON in your Eyes man, let me say something to you pal - ITS FREAKING B******* AT ALL !!! Plus: I use harsh words like i want to use them ! So learn respect in front of older people 1st ´´buddy´´ - 2nd: Whitefang´s Opinion is just idiotic dude, why you guys are all so f****** blind to see and face you the freaking true ha ?!?!?! - Do you really don´t come clear with facts and the true ha ? it seems so. - I really give a s*** man, and yeah i attack Whitefang for her stupid Opinion and View here !!! - Its not my prob if she don´t came clear with the rightful Criticism that this s***** Movie gets - 3rd: Yeah, a Place from a Franchise which´s getting killed by its own man DWA SKG LCC and this brainless A****** Dean DeBlois - RIP: HTTYD killed through that piece of s*** called RTTE / THW / RESCUE F****** ! - HTTYD has suffered and shares the same destiny like STAR WARS, DWA is also the same piece of trash like COPYNEY (DISNEY). They´re on the same Level of S***** and Trashy Movies now. It hurts to see how a Animation Studio is going the way down, and they always wanted to be better than S***NEY and now they´re the same s*** like them ! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( - Wow what a great Community here on BG they attacks its self and the own man, put you on your own face man ! - Sry, if i´m always sounding angry and very mad about the 3rd one. I´m only filled with Anger about it, cause the whole 3rd one goes extremly on my nerves and sucks.

2 Options > Come Clear with my View and Opinion or don´t even think about to talk to me !

´´Have a Nice Day - Peace !´´
- B.Cave !
"Rhowrl" Hey my dear Fighter´s, and what´s up ?

Yeah here´s no other than your good old Irish Alpha Blackburn Cave right in Person, well you should know me 8) ;)
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08 Nov 2019, 09:59
(Cutting this post out because it's pretty long)
Coming from someone who hates the third film, you behavior is completely unacceptable. You're throwing insults at people because they don't share the same opinion/thoughts on a movie...that's not cool. Would you want to be treated that way? I'm going to guess no, you wouldn't. So why do you think it's acceptable to act this way towards others over a movie of all things???

If you really want people to see your side of things and maybe eventually agree with you, I'd suggest not insulting them or acting so aggressive. That type of behavior simply isn't helpful to having an actually productive discussion. I get that you really really dislike the third film and that you, like me, are probably tired of seeing certain defenses of it...but seriously, responses like these are not the way to go about sharing your thoughts.

I'd also like to back up Dragondog's point about the films and the books being two separate universes. The third film is officially canon to the Dreamworks franchise whether we like it or not. It sucks that I won't ever get to see an official ending I actually enjoy, however thanks to the world of AUs and fanfiction and fanart I can have fun with my own take on the HTTYD universe. Maybe looking at other's fanworks or coming up with some of your own would help you vent and/or allow you to enjoy the franchise more?

Also, you really should take Dragondog's advice when it comes to the language you use on this site. This site is meant to be friendly for all ages, and throwing around f-bombs and the like is not allowed. Oh and, maybe don't bring people's ages into things when they do things like call you out on your crappy behavior. It's not a good look.
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To: NightFury2001

"Rhowrl" Oh really Girl, giving me a S*** Storm yeah ? - Alright now listen closely to me NF2001, 1st: Thanks for accepting my own view. This means a lot to me, and 2nd: yeah i know that i´m always sound very angry and that i´m using harsh words. I´m badly and heartly sry for it, but you already said it i really hate the 3rd one in all points and ways of view. And everything that has something do to with it, if i only see some Scenes from it i want spit and shoot my six Plasma shoots at the whole Goddamn Animation Studio of S***WORKS !!! - Personally (Yeah, i take it Personally), for me its the biggest Insult, Joke and Kick in the a**** of the DRAGONS of this MOVIE UNIVERSE and FRANCHISE (FANS - us all) since COPYNEY ´´Disney´´ killed and ruined the whole STAR WARS Franchsie. Like i said it the same, sure the Movie may be ´´Wonderful and a Masterpiece´´ - I also never cried so many times when i watched and seen a Movie in Cinema, but it can be the best Movie in the whole ´´WORLD´´ when the Story only sucks. And it sadly does, it only does.... Goddangit... :( - Its fine, everyone has a own Opionion - Peace but, i personally don´t see it like you guys.... i really wonder myself, why no one sees the problems that s***** Movie has to deal with.... We all Love that Franchise, but its a dang Joke what DWA is doing to us all since the middle of RTTE on.... - I only said that Whitefangs and Dragondog´s Opinions are just stupid and idiotic, the whole Critic our 3rd one gets is rightful. - I really can´t stand THW out, NF2001 and i had my problems with the whole thing right from the very beginning when i´ve seen the Trailers already. There was absolute no LV and state of hype in me like it was 5 Years ago when our great, awesome and epic 2nd one was coming out back in 2014. - Common just face it, our 2nd one is the Epic in Person and then the 3rd 5 Years later only sucks s**** on everything, and sucks with everything. Plus, i really don´t care about Fanfictions. I wrote my own [DragonsLight] since over 6 Years now, so when you came with the Fan-Fanfiction theme here. I also hate any kind of Shiping s***, i just want to made that clear here. DWA can also go to h*** in my eyes, i giving a s*** about DWA anymore for their piece of s*** called THW & RESCUE F******. - I also fear that HOMECOMING will not save anything.... -_- (but no one said, that we can not hope that it will or could heal some of the deep wounds that RTTE / THW / RR caused) ´´There´s always a Hope´´ - Peace, have a nice day and a good flight. Watch out for Berserkers and Hunters , see ya around my dear Fighter´s. ;)
Blackburn Cave !
"Rhowrl" Hey my dear Fighter´s, and what´s up ?

Yeah here´s no other than your good old Irish Alpha Blackburn Cave right in Person, well you should know me 8) ;)
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Female Winged Wonder

I never defended the third film. I just said that you can hate it without using hard language or attacking people who feel differently from you. I actually don't like the movie much myself.

I feel the third film COULD HAVE been good, but they messed up that opportunity. Actually, a lot of people feel that way, so the "No one else sees the problems with this film" comment is actually innaccurate. There's just a lot more people who like it, apparently.

And yes, you feel angry, go right ahead, but that doesn't mean you can't stop yourself from typing out bad language. We have rules about that, and if you can't follow them, you're gonna end up banned. I'd suggest stopping with the bad language now before that happens.

If you just stop with the hard language, and stop attacking people for their opinions, you'll be just fine ;)
"When something looks too perfect, it probably sucks" - Tuffnut

"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but I will break your neck" - Hank the Cowdog
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To: Dragondog

Yeah, Whatever. -_-

Dude, honestly i don´t care about guys which see´s it differently than me. I also don´t care about my use of hard words, sure i´m sry for. But i told you why i´m so angry and why i use words like that. In fact that whole 3rd one goes hardly on my nerves, i don´t hold myself back with my opinion and view. Just accept it ! - I DON´T CARE, Eat It and Come Clear with my hard view and opinion or don´t think about to talk to me pal. Its not my problem when you guys don´t gets it all the way, please go on an hype that s***** Movie. Please, if you want - good stay blind and dream on, not my problem. I only wanted to wake you up guys, but if you all really so dang blind i can´t help you in anyway. Plus: You can´t scare me with getting Banned pal, oh man how weak you people are. Not comming clear with the truth even someone is cleary speaking to ya´ll, and saying how it is, seems to be. Punching you the Truth into the faces, and you all are still blind. What´s the matter you with people ha ? - You´re not true and fullblooded DIE-HARD HTTYD Fans, you nothing more than just little wannabe´s. -_- - Its really weak and hilarious to come with a Ban warn man.

Seriously, you need to grow up and accept the view of older people. They only in anger about that S***** Movie called THW !!!

Oh wow, what a s**** Community here.... BG can be proud of to have to a Community like this - can´t believe it. attacking the own man... that´s so freaking weak - so weak...
Notice: If some of you have some personal problems with me here, face me a send me PM´s - Let´s talk about that and make things clear - Peace !
"Rhowrl" Hey my dear Fighter´s, and what´s up ?

Yeah here´s no other than your good old Irish Alpha Blackburn Cave right in Person, well you should know me 8) ;)
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