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Can we talk Dagur?
Topic Started: 16 Jul 2015, 16:10 (1434 Views)
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Hideous Zippleback

Second post to the forum! Whoo!
That aside, I'd like to discuss the Berserker chief and compare him between seasons- I want to know what you thought about Dagur in Race to the Edge!
I fell in love (not literally- yuck) with the character from the first episode he was featured in- his expressions and his laugh were hilarious, and, on top of it all, he was completely nuts. I couldn't get enough of his screen time during Riders/Defenders of Berk, and as he kept returning, we figured out that he could seriously hold a grudge and that he had some seriously amazing quirks (like his anti-smacking policy).
And then he was caught, spent some time in jail, and broke out again.
I'm not against his looks in Race to the Edge at all. I think his personality was changed between seasons, though, and it's made me a little sad. Dagur has lost most if not all of his quirks and traded them for a narcissism that has made his scenes a little cringe-y and uncomfortable. I found the whole love affair with his biceps completely disturbing. He's less trigger happy and a bit more calculating now. He's still off his rocker, but overall, I think the character lost unpredictability and the snappy lines that I really- REALLY- enjoyed. I guess it can be argued that the villain isn't supposed to be likable anyways, so the creators have done a good job, but...I liked liking him! Can anyone else relate?

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Berserk Shieldmaiden
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Superior Warriorness

I have always been a huge Dagur fan.

I personally would've liked to see a bit of a redemption story for him though. The revenge thing is getting kinda old now.

If I could change something about RTTE, I would get rid of Heather's storyline and make Dagur the mysterious hooded Dragonrider. Like maybe Stoick and Hiccup decided to show him mercy and talked Alvin out of putting him in prison *under the condition that he stays away from Berk* Dagur returns to his own island/village only to find his own tribe (without the armada there to protect them) wiped out. Dagur becomes a lone wanderer and finds a dragon. Maybe he managed to locate the iceberg with his old skrill or found another one or perhaps even a different species all together. A Timberjack may be a good dragon for him. He would train it in his own Dagur-like way of course and give it a name like Death-Killer.

I can just imagine after the chase scene, Hiccup saying "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

DAGUR - "I wouldn't either BROTHER." *pulls of hood*


Dagur would still have his Berserker edge but years of being alone plus the grief and guilt *even though he pretends not to care* over not being able to save his tribe has changed him. It would be cool to see different sides of him other than just the same old crazy side.

He and the riders wouldn't exactly become friends but he helps them from time to time because perhaps he would realize he owes Hiccup *as much as he hates the idea* for convincing Alvin to release him.

IMHO, that would be cooler than Heather's story.

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Lone Dragon

I'm not to sure a redemption story would work all that well considering the character. (That may just be me though) You've definitely made it seem interesting though. :)

I feel he was a great character for the first 2 seasons, and that he stood out really well. But I feel he's kind of run his course really. His goal hasn't changed, he still desires revenge and he still fails every time. There's nothing wrong with a villain like this, but it does get stale after one full season and now another season of him as well. While I like the new personality changes he's had and feel they make sense him being locked up for so long. I don't feel the personality changes make up for him being a stale villain somewhat this season. And I don't mean stale as in not fun but more so he's stale because he hasn't changed tactics or goals from the first time we saw him. Nothing against him I did and still do like the character I just feel we need a new villain pretty soon. Or Dagur really needs to change things up and so far I don't feel the dragon hunting gear nor the story with him and heather has made much of a change or shaken things up enough really.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

I also found dagur a great villain in the first and second season. He was always unpredictable in what he had planned. And I found his obsession with toothless interesting. But with this season, he seems to have lost some of his unpredictable nature from the last season. I still like him as a vilian but he's different. And I also didn't notice this season his obsession with toothless at all. But maybe I just missed it.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
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Dagur's was always the more serious villian during "Defenders of Berk". Like you know who :drago: . I hope dagur get's whats coming to him. I hope it either comes from Heather or if by some chance his own father if he just marooned him somewhere, forcing him into retirement.
J. L. Polacek
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Hideous Zippleback

Wow! Thanks so much for replying, everyone! (I had NO idea what type of reaction I was going to get to this.)
I'm not a huge fan of the Heather plot line, either, but I felt like "Have Dragon Will Travel" was a really well executed set of episodes, so I'm not going to complain there. The combat from the girls was pretty awesome, and Dagur wasn't too self-obsessive/didn't just give up when he was caught (even though that goes back to the revenge and unchanged goals thing). I'm curious about what Heather will do when she returns, so I'm not going to form an opinion on the situation just yet.
Dagur might have been the villain for too long now to redeem, but, even with the changes that I don't like so much, I'd hate to see him go in an understated way. He needs a decisive loss to end the character's run in the show or a clear victory to keep him- not just an escape and a vow to return when he manages to lose Hiccup.

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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

17 Jul 2015, 12:23
Dagur's was always the more serious villian during "Defenders of Berk". Like you know who :drago: . I hope dagur get's whats coming to him. I hope it either comes from Heather or if by some chance his own father if he just marooned him somewhere, forcing him into retirement.
I believe from the first season we saw him. I think he said in not so certain words he killed his dad to gain control.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
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