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Dagur's Tattoo Translated
Topic Started: 23 Jul 2015, 11:04 (1743 Views)
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Hideous Zippleback

I've seen questions around the Internet about what Dagur's new tattoo in RTTE is and what it says, so my friend and I translated all of it after finding this enlarged image on Tumblr: http://40.media.tumblr.com/5980ab600624 ... o1_400.png
1. Er...well, this one remains unclear. The first rune letter could be a "f" or an "a," so our best guess is that it says "father," but it's spelled incorrectly, or the first two rune letters are combined.
2. Hiccup
3. Night Fury (as one word)
4. Alvin
5. Astrid
6. Fishlegs
7. Sister
As to what it is, it would seem to be a hit list. And if we're taking hints from Dagur's dialogue in the previous seasons, it would make sense that "father" has been crossed off.

The best Secret Odin GIF(t) ever, made for me by DeWhite! Thank you! :D
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Raw Vikingness

Good work in translating that. It's interesting information. It may seem odd for this to be what sticks out to me, but I wasn't even aware that he knew Astrid and Fishlegs by name. The best I can remember, he only refers to Astrid as "the girl", and doesn't pay much mind to Fishlegs at all.
Come death. Come suffering. I will not live in fear. In this fleeting life where time escapes us, the path of least resistance is a slow quiet death. I'd rather burn out than fade away.
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My only master is the free wind

It's interesting to note that he mentions Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs; but there's no mention to Snotlout or the twins. :ermm:

If this is a hit list, what did Astrid and Fishlegs do to him that he wants them dead but not the others? I can somewhat understand Astrid because she's the closest to Hiccup out of the riders, so he might see her as a small target he could hunt in order to get to Hiccup. I have no idea about Fishlegs, but seeing how he's sort of the brains of the group, Dagur could see him as a threat. When we really think about it, Snotlout usually talks more than he does and the twins... well, they are the twins, so he might not see them as much of a threat, or as important to Hiccup.

Another thing I found interesting is that if the last one does mean "sister", then it could be assumed that he himself didn't know Heather was his sister until Hiccup told them. I don't remember the exact scene right now, but I don't think he showed signs of knowing Heather was related to him. It's still interesting to think about...
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

That's interesting, I never even noticed it. I'll have to rewatch the episode again.
I makes sence he crossed off the first name since he killed his father.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
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Lone Dragon

24 Jul 2015, 07:02
It's interesting to note that he mentions Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs; but there's no mention to Snotlout or the twins. :ermm:

If this is a hit list, what did Astrid and Fishlegs do to him that he wants them dead but not the others? I can somewhat understand Astrid because she's the closest to Hiccup out of the riders, so he might see her as a small target he could hunt in order to get to Hiccup. I have no idea about Fishlegs, but seeing how he's sort of the brains of the group, Dagur could see him as a threat. When we really think about it, Snotlout usually talks more than he does and the twins... well, they are the twins, so he might not see them as much of a threat, or as important to Hiccup.
As KentuckyWildcat said I do think both of them are somewhat interesting choices since he's shown such little interest in them in the past, but Astrid does make more sense than Fishlegs. With that said in the past in the first episode we saw Dagur in. It seemed Hiccup wasn't the only one he picked on, he also picked on Fishlegs to, at least from how the teens talked about their past with him. So it could be as simple as "I don't like him so on the list", but I'd also say his being on better terms with Hiccup then Snotlout or Ruff and Tuff, and his knowledge of dragons qualify him somewhat as well. And also it's a good idea to remember while Dagur may be deranged he is still a leader. While his leadership skill may only be lead by fear, that still means he has to know how to at least break people. And while Fishlegs may not be willing to openly oppose Dagur (if Hiccup and Astrid and Toothless were gone) his knowledge of dragons and training them. I would say gives him more reason to want him gone than Snotlout or the twins. While those three (Snotlout and the twins) do have their strengths those strengths wouldn't translate as well to training new riders or dragons (possibly). So with Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs out of the way it would pretty much break the riders. And would/could (at the very least) severely hamper Berks ability to train new riders or dragons.
Another thing I found interesting is that if the last one does mean "sister", then it could be assumed that he himself didn't know Heather was his sister until Hiccup told them. I don't remember the exact scene right now, but I don't think he showed signs of knowing Heather was related to him. It's still interesting to think about...
This is the one I find to be the most interesting though myself. when we see the flashback from Heather's childhood we see a young boy run by if it can be taken to be Dagur then he's obviously old enough to probably remember her. Although Dagur has before hand shown he's not great with remembering people or not caring enough to remember anyways. So this is up for debate, but on top of that none of his dialogue gives any indication that he actually knew before hand. Except for one line "If you kill me Heather you'll never know...". Now this is probably set up for future drama for at least Heather, but the phrasing is still interesting. It either implies Dagur did know that she was his sister and was planing on saying "...who your father is". Or the one I think is more likely mostly because it gives more drama and a potential way for Heather to leave the riders for sometime (which is why she's not in the second movie since you do kind of need an explanation for why these characters aren't around) is "...where your parents are".
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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Night Fury

So cool! Thanks!
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