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RTTE Season II Character Development
Topic Started: 08 Jan 2016, 23:20 (1457 Views)
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Hideous Zippleback

I've seen it all now. I feel like a deep breath is in order before I continue, so I'll just do that. One moment.

Alright, here's my opinion:
Astrid: She clearly got the most character development out of all the original dragon riders. We were reminded that she's extremely loyal to family and friends on top of her awesome warrior attitude, but we also learned about her flaws. I thought the parts where her weaknesses were exposed- such as Ruffnut calling her out and her inability to keep her lie to Hiccup- brought her character miles. We got to learn that her self-confidence in her strategy can overbear her willingness to be part of a team, and linked to that is her extreme belief in Hiccup. In "Edge of Disaster," the only person not brought up when the twins list the people that Astrid disrespects is Hiccup. There was no particular romance between those two this season, but I feel like her clear trust and respect of him and guilty feelings when she lies to him is an indirect representation of their relationship continuing beyond friends. All in all, her character got some much-needed love, and I really appreciate her now as a part of the dragon riders that's more than simply the warrior girl who supports the main character when he needs it.

Heather: My opinion of Heather has always been fairly neutral, and, after this season, it remains that way. I feel like a comment is necessary, though, because she was such a prevalent character. She's still very well versed in combat. She's still smarter than your average Viking (comparatively). She remained loyal to the dragon riders. She used her brother to infiltrate the dragon hunters like I thought she would. I think her spunk is fun, but I find it predictable. Her relation to Dagur was used well, but, in the end, it was more potent on his side than hers. I hope that she treats her brother with a little more respect in the future after what he did for her- you know, no more chasing after second Dragon Eyes.

Ryker and Viggo: One of them doesn't talk very much, and the other is still basically shrouded in mystery, so I'm going to lump them together for now. Ryker was interesting to watch because he's the best warrior I've seen on the show to date, and his sparse lines kept me curious about his brother and him. After that, though, I kind of fail to see the purpose in his character. In the end, all he did was lead Hiccup into Viggo's trap and inspire Dagur. Maybe it's supposed to be that way- Viggo certainly doesn't seem to think much of him, even though Ryker is fiercely loyal to his brother. But- Viggo. My goodness. I love that there is FINALLY a person that can outsmart Hiccup. The cliffhanger, while excruciating, was fantastic. In a few ways, Viggo is a very cookie-cutter villain: his obsession with a "game" (Maces and Talons but also his encounters with Hiccup), his disregard for his men, his calculating style, etc., but it's never been used in the show before, and it is currently stumping our protagonist, so I give it a stamp of approval. It feels fresh, and I DEFINITELY need another thirteen episodes to know what Viggo does with the Dragon Eye.

And the last character I want to discuss in-depth is---
Dagur: "Astrid's Team" really just established that, as a main villain, he is a tired, worn out old hat (or maybe a helmet. Who knows). He was sharp enough to launch an attack on Berk and track the riders to their base, but, beyond that, he simply failed. The writers knew what they were doing when they cast him in a lesser role this season. My main problem before RTTE's second season was the inconsistency in his character. How did he go from being capable of kidnapping Stoick the Vast with witty, unpredictable, hilarious lines to a narcissistic, icky villain who couldn't even get close to defeating his enemy while he chased after a thing he didn't even know much about (Dragon Eye)? I think the short answer is "jail," but I still didn't like it, which is why I found the backseat to be a great place for him this season- he got to be perfectly deranged and had a few good lines without going overboard. That is, he stayed in the background...until a purpose came along for him to fill in the "Maces and Talons" episodes. I love, love, love the way the show tracked his thought as he contemplated freeing Heather. He was honestly mad at her for betraying him- completely understandable- and I was glad that he stood his ground initially and kept her in the cage. I felt like that confrontation established that, even though she is his sibling, his madness (combined with his anger) still overpowered his heart for her. And, really, he wasn't going to change his mind...until he saw Ryker, who insisted upon being loyal to his blood until the end, even though his brother is a total jerk to him. Dagur is given an idea to chew on. Maybe he can see himself in Ryker's place as he was completely used by his sister, maybe not, but I was left simply guessing his thoughts as he silently stood in the cave after chopping off Heather's shackles. Somewhere in there, he does have a heart. That was one of the most powerful scenes of the season in my opinion, and it was an amazing action to end the season with. Right now, Dagur is the wild card of season three. Everyone has their set roles as villain or protagonist, but, with that action, he blurred the line. I am SO excited to see how his character progresses (and is possibly reinvented) in season three.

Extra character-related notes:
-I approve of the Tuffnut-Snotlout bromance.
-My favorite camera shots of the season were those of Viggo's Maces and Talons pieces- so much drama!
-My favorite moment of slapstick comedy was when Dagur popped up on his ship with his hair alight only to be knocked out by a falling board (end of "The Zippleback Experience"). That was fantastic.
-Toothless didn't get much of a spotlight this season, did he?
-I don't think we got the name of Ryker and Viggo's tribe...

Lastly, what do you think? There are plenty of other characters- I hit my personal highlights, but did you think any others had significant development this season?

The best Secret Odin GIF(t) ever, made for me by DeWhite! Thank you! :D
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Dunno what to say here.....

Of the entire series, RTTE (Season Two, as I'm now just calling it) these have been my personal favourite (and best) episodes yet. This, is for multiple reasons.

One, the new enemy. Powerful, intimidating, formidable, deadly, cunning. and most of all, equal, and well worked up for. Viggo, and the whole build-up? So worth it, simply perfect. I simply am in love with them, for how damn well made they were!!! This is what we need!! And Dagur, filled in nicely. He finally has a bigger picture. Viggo made everything amazing in Maces and Talons, come on, admit it. He's the smartest villain I have seen- gods, he puts cunning villains like Loki, to shame. He's. Amazing. Now I need to breathe, and I'll touch on this later...

But two, character. Development. Call me a gusher, but oh my gods, was all this amazing.

We asked for more Astrid and Hiccup interaction, and I must say, this has given us quite the ride. Sure, nothing too romantic, but it's getting there, I can see it...

What I love the most, however, is the Astrid and Stormfly development. Right from the first minute of episode 14, bam, development. And. It. Was. Glorious.

Hiccup and Toothless?

Hiccup, well, well... I honestly think they took the genius route. His reactions, unlike in RoB and DoB (seriously, charging Alvin head on is still cringeworthy to watch...) are realistic. They look, and sound like him. Literally, when he yelled at the end, I immediatly thought of Httyd 2.
The fact they're putting him in positions where he has to think of more outcomes, especially now with Viggo putting him on the Edge. (no pun intended...)

(And yes, they get seperate paragraphs.) Toothless really was a bit in the shadows here. But if we all recognised that dragon shown from the Dragon Eye in the end... Oh gods. :blink:

What. Do. They. Know.

I'm rather scared. I am. Did they cause the Night Furies.. To be, well, Night Furies?! Now, we have to wait. Sorry for fringing the agony... I could cry and bawl right now...

Snotlout and Hookfang? It's nice to see them in character, although we got our development last season, and I'm happy with that.

The twins and Barf and Belch? Still being the Loki. They gave me the cracks I wanted, and Baf and Belch were stinking adorable and hilarious in the Zippleback Experience, which nicely surprised me.

Meatlug and Fishlegs... Well, Shock and Awe, shocked me. I. Did. Not. Expect. THAT!! I thought maybe Hiccup would be the problem... But no. Also, did they see the Seashocker in the Dragon Eye..?

The Dragon Eye. What. Emergency. Trigger??!!!!! WHAT????!!!!!!! They have the EYE!!! AND THEY CAN USE IT!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!! No no no no no.... No.

That was, a very, very, cliffy cliff-hanger, that nearly had me in a spurt of rage, and grief. But it was awesome. Now, we need to talk about Heather, and Viggo again. And Windshear, because she's gorgeous.

I always liked Heather, but she was a bit bland... (Whispering) They kinda all were bland in RoB...... Let's face it.

So I was happy, when she returned. Actually, I freaked and a yes spurt when I heard the rumour, and now it's getting serious, I think. The infriltrator tactic was great- now, I'm focused on Heather-Dagur and how that'll turn out... Maybe Dagur redemption?

But enough of that... Viggo and Ryker time.

These guys... They put :drago: to utter shame. Utter. Shame. Ok, maybe I'm being too harsh... 'Thinks'... Nah. Drago, sit in the dunce corner.

We have the brains, and the brawn. One, out shining the other. It's easy to see who's in mass control. Viggo, at simply looking at him, was intriguing for me. Was he related to these Dragon Hunters we've been hearing about? No, he's their boss. And while it was highly enjoyable for me, it sucks SO BAD for the gang.

He's like the evolved Hiccup, almost- he's got the same brain power, juys enhanced, and suited for combat... But he can see past that. The fact that it was so detailed with the planning, was terrifying, and amazing. He thought, of every last outcome, every last possibility. And, he won. He won.

Has. That. Ever. Happened. No. ITS NOT!! That's freaking awesome!!

Sure, I love Hiccup and the gang, but... It's so refreshing. Now, I can hardly wait for Season Three.

What will happen? I guess we owing know for a good while. But if the mighty and incredible Dreamworks keep going with this route? Ooohhh.... This could get legendary.

For a kids show, this is deep, complex, and hell, it's getting dark. Hiccup nearly got an arrow to the heart (chest... I gasped cause I couldn't scream Iwassoterrified), which could of... Well, critics probably wouldn't be thrilled with a non-serious non-bleeding arrow to the chest... We have dragon poachers, in reality, because they are wearing... Ughhhhh.... Zippleback. Skin. :'(

If I EVER get my hands on them... I'll tear them to pieces. Make it happen, dreams. You hear me, brain? Dream maker? Do it!!
Seriously, whenever one comes on screen, I say kill it. Kill them all.

The brilliance of Maces and Talons, is undescribable, at least while... I'm still gushing, ament i?

But, as Viggo said... 'What one might consider evil, another might consider righteous'... So, that's simply my opinion. For all I know, you might hate Viggo, and think he's the worst villain ever... Now, of course I hate him, but only because of what he does... Yeah. I think we all know what I mean.

Seriously, how can you not hate Viggo... Also, Dragon Root Arrows? Those had me screaming. Then amazed. Then Absolutely in realisation we're done.
Also, Dragon Armour.... Where was that in HTTYD 2?! (Oh... It was on Drago's Dragons... Right...)
Still one of the best things ever in RTTE, if you ask me, including the return of Gronckle Iron. Armour.... Now they need to make it for everyone else... Lol. I'm still gushing.

Ok, before I numb my fingers off, I should just say RTTE, season two, has got to be the best season of a TV I have ever seen. It even beats MLP Season 5. It was brilliant, and I enjoyed it to the end of my soul!!! MY SOULLLLL!!!!!!

Ok, I'm finally done. You can totally stop reading.
Crystallion12, with her fingers now begging for mercy.
Save the Earth... It's the only planet with donuts!

May the stars watch over you, the dragons roar at the sound of your name, and peace, love and the truth enlighten your heart forever,
May you stay true to your soul, mind and heart. Your choices, opinions and life are solely your own, give only the ones you hold dear to your heart your heart, and all your word. Make the right choices, and tread carefully, and live your life to its very fullest,
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I am... swaggy

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I'd agree that these episodes did not disappoint me, especially Viggo and Ryker. Lord, I think I've found my new favorite villain of all time!
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FLABSLAB - Fly Like A Butterfly ...

09 Jan 2016, 06:02
Of the entire series, RTTE (Season Two, as I'm now just calling it) these have been my personal favourite (and best) episodes yet. This, is for multiple reasons.

One, the new enemy. Powerful, intimidating, formidable, deadly, cunning. and most of all, equal, and well worked up for. Viggo, and the whole build-up? So worth it, simply perfect. I simply am in love with them, for how damn well made they were!!! This is what we need!! And Dagur, filled in nicely. He finally has a bigger picture. Viggo made everything amazing in Maces and Talons, come on, admit it. He's the smartest villain I have seen- gods, he puts cunning villains like Loki, to shame. He's. Amazing. Now I need to breathe, and I'll touch on this later...

But two, character. Development. Call me a gusher, but oh my gods, was all this amazing.

We asked for more Astrid and Hiccup interaction, and I must say, this has given us quite the ride. Sure, nothing too romantic, but it's getting there, I can see it...

What I love the most, however, is the Astrid and Stormfly development. Right from the first minute of episode 14, bam, development. And. It. Was. Glorious.

Hiccup and Toothless?

Hiccup, well, well... I honestly think they took the genius route. His reactions, unlike in RoB and DoB (seriously, charging Alvin head on is still cringeworthy to watch...) are realistic. They look, and sound like him. Literally, when he yelled at the end, I immediatly thought of Httyd 2.
The fact they're putting him in positions where he has to think of more outcomes, especially now with Viggo putting him on the Edge. (no pun intended...)

(And yes, they get seperate paragraphs.) Toothless really was a bit in the shadows here. But if we all recognised that dragon shown from the Dragon Eye in the end... Oh gods. :blink:

What. Do. They. Know.

I'm rather scared. I am. Did they cause the Night Furies.. To be, well, Night Furies?! Now, we have to wait. Sorry for fringing the agony... I could cry and bawl right now...

Snotlout and Hookfang? It's nice to see them in character, although we got our development last season, and I'm happy with that.

The twins and Barf and Belch? Still being the Loki. They gave me the cracks I wanted, and Baf and Belch were stinking adorable and hilarious in the Zippleback Experience, which nicely surprised me.

Meatlug and Fishlegs... Well, Shock and Awe, shocked me. I. Did. Not. Expect. THAT!! I thought maybe Hiccup would be the problem... But no. Also, did they see the Seashocker in the Dragon Eye..?

The Dragon Eye. What. Emergency. Trigger??!!!!! WHAT????!!!!!!! They have the EYE!!! AND THEY CAN USE IT!!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No!!! No no no no no.... No.

That was, a very, very, cliffy cliff-hanger, that nearly had me in a spurt of rage, and grief. But it was awesome. Now, we need to talk about Heather, and Viggo again. And Windshear, because she's gorgeous.

I always liked Heather, but she was a bit bland... (Whispering) They kinda all were bland in RoB...... Let's face it.

So I was happy, when she returned. Actually, I freaked and a yes spurt when I heard the rumour, and now it's getting serious, I think. The infriltrator tactic was great- now, I'm focused on Heather-Dagur and how that'll turn out... Maybe Dagur redemption?

But enough of that... Viggo and Ryker time.

These guys... They put :drago: to utter shame. Utter. Shame. Ok, maybe I'm being too harsh... 'Thinks'... Nah. Drago, sit in the dunce corner.

We have the brains, and the brawn. One, out shining the other. It's easy to see who's in mass control. Viggo, at simply looking at him, was intriguing for me. Was he related to these Dragon Hunters we've been hearing about? No, he's their boss. And while it was highly enjoyable for me, it sucks SO BAD for the gang.

He's like the evolved Hiccup, almost- he's got the same brain power, juys enhanced, and suited for combat... But he can see past that. The fact that it was so detailed with the planning, was terrifying, and amazing. He thought, of every last outcome, every last possibility. And, he won. He won.

Has. That. Ever. Happened. No. ITS NOT!! That's freaking awesome!!

Sure, I love Hiccup and the gang, but... It's so refreshing. Now, I can hardly wait for Season Three.

What will happen? I guess we owing know for a good while. But if the mighty and incredible Dreamworks keep going with this route? Ooohhh.... This could get legendary.

For a kids show, this is deep, complex, and hell, it's getting dark. Hiccup nearly got an arrow to the heart (chest... I gasped cause I couldn't scream Iwassoterrified), which could of... Well, critics probably wouldn't be thrilled with a non-serious non-bleeding arrow to the chest... We have dragon poachers, in reality, because they are wearing... Ughhhhh.... Zippleback. Skin. :'(

If I EVER get my hands on them... I'll tear them to pieces. Make it happen, dreams. You hear me, brain? Dream maker? Do it!!
Seriously, whenever one comes on screen, I say kill it. Kill them all.

The brilliance of Maces and Talons, is undescribable, at least while... I'm still gushing, ament i?

But, as Viggo said... 'What one might consider evil, another might consider righteous'... So, that's simply my opinion. For all I know, you might hate Viggo, and think he's the worst villain ever... Now, of course I hate him, but only because of what he does... Yeah. I think we all know what I mean.

Seriously, how can you not hate Viggo... Also, Dragon Root Arrows? Those had me screaming. Then amazed. Then Absolutely in realisation we're done.
Also, Dragon Armour.... Where was that in HTTYD 2?! (Oh... It was on Drago's Dragons... Right...)
Still one of the best things ever in RTTE, if you ask me, including the return of Gronckle Iron. Armour.... Now they need to make it for everyone else... Lol. I'm still gushing.

Ok, before I numb my fingers off, I should just say RTTE, season two, has got to be the best season of a TV I have ever seen. It even beats MLP Season 5. It was brilliant, and I enjoyed it to the end of my soul!!! MY SOULLLLL!!!!!!

Ok, I'm finally done. You can totally stop reading.
Crystallion12, with her fingers now begging for mercy.

Nice to see you enjoyed Season 2 so much, i loved it as well, i think you summarised everything i would say xD can't wait for S3! :)
A Chief protects his own
Valka: Oh, when I'm up here, I don't even feel the cold, I just feel… Hiccup: Free
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