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Who Created The Dragon Eye?(Theories,Unconfirmed)
Topic Started: 10 Jan 2016, 05:44 (2606 Views)
Evan Electric Eel III
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Shadow Striker

In the episode "Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man" the clues leading to the treasure of Hamish the First were in places that would be practically impossible to reach without dragons and considering that Hamish the Second was a Hiccup he may have learned about dragons explaining how the puzzles pieces got to their locations. Hamish the Second lived approximately 150-300 years before the series. This lines up with Viggo saying they had the Dragon Eye for centuries. Plus the emergency release mechanism for the Eye was Flightmare mist and it consistently appeared on Berk every 10 years.
Of course this is my own theory and i welcome anyone to shoot holes in it.
(We are all speculating anyway.)
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Zero the ruthless
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Master Skrill Trainer

This seems reasonable, although I doubt it.

But if you look back to School of Dragons in the Icestorm Island expansion pack, it seems evident that the clan which owned the reaper were there as there was a ship with that crest and a dragon eye lense containing info on the Groncicle. However also in the expansion we have to recover an artifact, armor to be exact and on that armor it had a crest or symbol or something which belonged to Hiccup and Stoik's clan.
So maybe ur right.

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Ability: Shock
Attack: 14
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Dunno what to say here.....

I like this theory- yes, there are holes, but there are more episodes and all that could explain them... I've got a good feeling the person who created it did know the good side of dragons, as he was able to get their secrets in there- who knows...

I'd love to see the whole history explored, but I'm pretty certain they will. If they don't, I'll most likely be disappointed.
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May you stay true to your soul, mind and heart. Your choices, opinions and life are solely your own, give only the ones you hold dear to your heart your heart, and all your word. Make the right choices, and tread carefully, and live your life to its very fullest,
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Lone Dragon

Some of those places I would say are reachable by normal means that the vikings would have had at their disposal at the time. Did Hamish the second have something to do with training dragons. We can't say only speculate, he may have he may have not we have no information of the time so it's really up in the air. The bigger problem I see with this theory though is how is Hamish the second related to the dragon hunters their an entirely different tribe to Berk. Hamish ruled over Berk their is nothing concrete linking the two at least not currently. Another point their's more than likely more than one Flightmare out there. Even if it was the same one though, it only ever being seen on Berk every ten years may mean it traveled to other islands while following its food trail. Which would mean the hunters could have seen it at that point in time as well. It's an interesting theory and could work, I'm just not willing to buy it yet. Some things that need to be explained away. I would say it's far more likely the dragon hunters are just another tribe. No real need to link them back to Berk in any major way. Not saying they can't or that it wouldn't work just don't see the need myself.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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Evan Electric Eel III
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Shadow Striker

Good points Demonwolf002. In terms of ruling over Berk Hamish, as a Hiccup would presumably have been looked down upon making ruling over Berk unlikely. I will have to look at the episode again as i haven't seen it in a while as i think the image after the one of Hamish First and Second the chief doesn't look like Hamish the Second. Judging by the riddles and puzzles Hamish 2nd set the creation of the Dragon Eye would seem to be within his abilities.
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Zero the ruthless
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Master Skrill Trainer

Surprisingly Dagur knew more about the Skrill than the dragon hunters (Who's tribe apparently created the dragon eye)

Name: Shockwave
Class: Strike
Species: Skrill
Ability: Shock
Attack: 14
Speed: 11/unknown
Armor: 10
Fire Power: 12
Shot limit: 4 (recharges quick in a storm)
Venom: 0
Jaw strength: 5
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Evan Electric Eel III
10 Jan 2016, 09:44
In the episode "Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man" the clues leading to the treasure of Hamish the First were in places that would be practically impossible to reach without dragons and considering that Hamish the Second was a Hiccup he may have learned about dragons explaining how the puzzles pieces got to their locations. Hamish the Second lived approximately 150-300 years before the series. This lines up with Viggo saying they had the Dragon Eye for centuries. Plus the emergency release mechanism for the Eye was Flightmare mist and it consistently appeared on Berk every 10 years.
Of course this is my own theory and i welcome anyone to shoot holes in it.
(We are all speculating anyway.)
Maybe Hamish II had some dealings with early dragon hunters and thought maybe the Haddocks would go into that bussiness. Course they would not be as bloodthirsty as the dragon hunters are. Hamish II learned to make his riddles by using the methods used by the Dragon Hunter who built the Dragon Eye. Course no one know if the Dragon Hunters ever went as far as Berk unless they knew the course of the Flightmare. ^)
J. L. Polacek
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The Norse Nerd
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-This is Borghild-

If the movie verse is a little bit like the books, I would expect it to be Grimbeard the Ghastly, Hiccup's ancestor and former king of the vikings.

I don't ship Hiccstrid, deal with it (◡‿◡✿)


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Terrible Terror

Viggo clearly states that it belongs to his people and knows a lot about the Dragon Eye. Though I have to wonder why it was left on an abandoned ship.
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Hideous Zippleback

Piggybacking off of others' statements, I would say that Viggo definitely feels entitled to the Dragon Eye. His speech indicates beyond doubt for me that his tribe is the one that invented/created it. I only wonder what the name of his tribe actually is! The Berserkers, the Outcasts, and Alvin all pull inspiration from the books, but there are no dragon hunting/trapping tribes that I can remember.

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