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RttE Season II, "Good or Bad?" (SPOILERS)
Topic Started: 16 Jan 2016, 09:21 (1523 Views)
The Burning Pillar
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Dragon Egg


Just finished watching the newest season, and more or less my general opinion of it is around 80 - 90 % positive, the remainder being negative of course. Note that this is just my personal opinion, and everyone's free to agree or disagree with me! (tho I'd prefer if no one bashes me for this. hehe)

For the visual effects, animations, etc etc, I'd say it was great, as far as animated series go that is. It's great to see some diversity in the baddies of the season, like Ryker's men. Their armor's way different from the Outcasts' and the Berserkers'. Not much of an improvement, but I do like dem armor. Also, after watching Ep 10 "Shock and Awe", the Seashocker's officially one of my most favorite dragons in the series. An interesting design, and its capabilities have made me fallen in love with it. That move where it generates a huge ball of electricity when the tip of both heads meet then releases it in a shockwave is downright amazing, and is sooo sweet that I can't help but replay that scene again and again.

To the characters:

Hiccup & Toothless: I guess he did improve. He's relationship with Toothless has only strengthened and now the two are closer than ever. Plus. he's well on his way to becoming a good leader, cuz he's leading the rest of the dragon riders pretty well, and not to mention we get to see him fight in hand to hand combat! (Zippleback Experience) If remember correctly, then this is the very 1st time we see him wielding a weapon (no his shield doesn't count), and he actually knows how to use it. A nice touch from the creator's part, as it shows its ties with Hiccup and Inferno in HTTYD 2. What else, oh! When he decides to release the Skrill instead of trapping it again, that shows his good heart and compassion, and I love him for it. There are some moments where he seems out of character and some lapse in his judgement, but I'll save that for later.

Astrid & Stormfly: She's definitely improved, in fact has the most character development out of all the characters IMO, and like Hiccup, her relationship with Stormfly has deepened further than what we've seen in the previous seasons. Anyways, I always wince whenever she criticizes the twins or makes some scathing remark at their incompetence and foolishness, so it was nice to have Ruffnut out of all people point out her flaws, and Astrid's turned out better because of it. Also here we can see her great trust and loyalty in Hiccup, evident from her reluctance to not tell Hiccup about Heather's double-agent role and her guilt and sadness when Hiccup later on finds out. A good insight to her character indeed. Also I'm quite glad her skills in combat haven't diminished in the slightest.

Ruffnut & Tuffnut, Barf and Belch: Hmmmm. Welp, their idiotic-but-admittedly-funny moments are still there, but I'm glad to see that they somewhere somehow still got some character development. I was quite upset to learn that there's actually no Lycanwing in "Bad Moon Rising", but the brotherly and sisterly love makes up for it. It's also nice to see that their obvious love for their dragon in Zippleback Experience. (Barf and Belch were adorable there, LOL)

Snotlout & Hookfang: Still the same Snotlout and Hookfang, lol. But I have to admit that it was nice to see Snotlout with his own skills shining through and saving the day. (Stitching Screaming Death scales together to form an armor right...)

Fishlegs & Meatlug: His relationship with Meatlug has definitely gotten stronger over the years/months that have passed, and it's nice to see that Fishleg's own flaws doesn't come between them. Speaking of flaws, Fishleg's obsession on learning new things about dragons was quite surprising to the point that I actually grew a bit worried over him in "Shock and Awe", but I loved that his good heart always wins in the end and he rectifies his mistakes.

Heather & Dagur: Ahhhh. The 2nd most interesting pair of characters in the whole series.

- I'm glad to see that Heather's still loyal to the riders (I was alarmed when I saw that clip where she was together with Dagur), and her relationship with Astrid has evolved into an almost-sister-like-one. As for her relationship with Dagur? I don't know, cuz in the previous seasons she originally wanted to kill Dagur for destroying her home, but what about now? I honestly hope she's not using her own brother for her own ends, cuz Dagur redeemed himself in my eyes after letting her go in the final episode.

-*Sigh* I love Dagur as a villain in the previous seasons, but now it seems he's losing his touch. His spotlight is constantly taken by Ryker (Viggo in the last 2 episodes) throughout the season, and now he's sort of in the sidelines, which I guess is kinda necessary for Viggo and Ryker to shine. But the one moment where it's Dagur who shines is when he's torn over his own flesh and blood. I LOVE it when Dagur shows his confusion and uncertainty when Heather's held as a prisoner. It's clear he loves her dearly, cuz he even goes as far as to threaten Ryker when he starts blaming her for the dragon rider's successes, which is why I'm very glad he decided to let her go in the final episode. I don't really know if it's Viggo and Ryker's relationship as brothers that got to him, but I'm glad Dagur's the sort of torn character in the series so far, cuz it'll be interesting to see whether he'll side with Hiccup, Heather, or Viggo and Ryker, or if he'll ultimately listen to himself in the end.

And here we are to the two most interesting characters so far: Ryker and Vikko Grimborn!!!
Damn these two are easily the best villains I've seen so far in the series. They make a very interesting combo, the brainy one (although no less deadly if his skills with his AWESOME sword is any indication), and the brawny one, who apparently is the better warrior out of the two. Tho different in their strengths, I find both equally as interesting - well - maybe I find Viggo a bit more interesting, since he appeared in two episodes so far. Also because we FINALLY see a villain who trumps Hiccup in the thinking department, and consequently wins the battle. I really love his way of treating things as a game (Maces and Talons), of course his cunning plans and that accent (!!!). That being said, I'm eager to see more of him in the future seasons. That's not to say I think less of Ryker. (ok I'm practically saying I do, but you get my point) It's just that his younger brother commands my attention more. But let's be frank: Ryker's taciturn personality makes him equally as interesting as his brother, so I'd also like to see more of his background; that and why is there a subtle tension/antagonistic vibe between these two - at least on Ryker's part.

And so it goes without saying: these two are unique characters, and are currently the best villains I've seen to date in the series.

As for the other characters, Stoick, Gobber, Gustav, Spitelout, Mulch & Bucket, and Goethe? We don't see much of them, but I'm glad to see an "Auxiliary group" of dragon riders stationed at Berk. My only qualm is Goethe tho. She's a freakin old woman for goodness sake, and she's eligible to become a dragon rider?! Damn. I also thought Astrid was pretty cruel in "Team Astrid", cuz making an old woman do pushups? What the actual f***?

Lastly, as for the plot, I thought it was well paced and well thought out, cuz the conflict mounts up as each episodes pass until we finally see Viggo. If anything, I'd give the creators a thumbs up for leaving us in a "I want to see more of Viggo and Ryker" state. The ending - which was basically a cliffhanger - although painful and admittedly annoying, I thought it was great!

Although the plot isn't without it flaws that is, and are listed as thus:

1) Hiccup isn't perfect, I know. But leading the Skrill straight to Dagur and Ryker's hands in "A Time to Skrill"? That was by far the dumbest move he's ever made. Seriously, why on earth would he lead the Skrill to DRAGON HUNTERS. Just what in Thor's name was he expecting? To lose the Skrill on his tail and just skedaddle, leaving the Skrill at the mercy of Ryker and Dagur?! He's literally handing a very deadly dragon on a silver platter to them. -_-

2) I'm a big Hiccstrid fan, and that being said, I was kind of disappointed in this season for lack thereof. We only have one episode that shows this (Night of the Hunters, Part I), and it was only a brief scene at that. (Although I will admit that I did go fanboy at that part) Plus, their relationship hit a snag when Hiccup found out that Astrid was keeping something from him, and it wasn't even resolved whatsoever after "Snow Way Out". :/

3) I know this is a kid's show, but seriously. I can excuse the others, but episodes 8 and 9 (Edge of Disaster, Part 1 and 2) were so silly and unrealistic that it gave me a headache. Why? Logically speaking, Astrid and Tuffnut could NOT have defended Dragon's Edge for as long as they did. There were SEVEN ships attacking, and had Ryker sent all his men at once instead of SENDING THEM GROUP BY GROUP, then he would've captured the Edge for sure! It was utterly painful for me as I was watching this. Also recall those balloon like "defenses" Tuff was placing on the top of the infrastructures near the end of Ep 8? What in bloody hell were those for?!

4) I was also disappointed to see only 2 new dragons in this season - the Armorwing and the Seashocker. I know this season's introducing two new villains to us for the 1st time, but it would've been really nice to see more new dragons. :/

5) Speaking of which, the dragons - say like Toothless, Stormfly, or even Skullcrusher - didn't get any spotlight, which I kinda felt sad for. Perhaps only Barf & Belch, the Skrill, and quite possibly the Flightmare were the only ones who were given spotlight.

These are my only complaints/rants, so let's all calm down.

All in all, despite the aforementioned flaws, I still say the season was a great one. I'd give it a 9/10. I'm more than eager for the next season, which unfortunately won't be coming in a long time.

Some note worthy things I'd like to add:

- Anyone noticed the fire Windshear breathes? This can be seen in Ep 12 "Maces and Talons, Part 1", and it's one of the coolest ones I've seen so far, right up there with the Armorwing's.
- I do hope to see the Skrill again. That dragon's cool, nuff said.
- Now that Astrid and Ruffnut are on good terms with each other, I do hope to see more of them interacting with each other. Honestly, I always imagine them as best friends, since they're the only 2 females of their group.
- I also hope Gronckle Iron's heavily featured in the next season, cuz Hiccup and the others have been experimenting with battle armors suited for their dragon in this season, and I'd honestly love to see them outfit themselves with the same material, or quite possibly make a set of armor made from Screaming Death scales.
- The Snotlout & Tuffnut bromance was quite unexpected, but I'm happy to see that they're best friends. Now if only Astrid and Ruffnut could also become like so....
- The pair of Dragon Eye lenses found in Ep 4 "Bad Moon Rising". Is it just me, or are they never heard of nor seen again? We didn't even get to see what they contained. :/

Those are my thoughts for Dreamworks Dragons: Race to the Edge II. Again, everyone's free to give their own thoughts, and agree or disagree with mine!

:D :D :D

If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together.

United we stand, divided we fall.

I am the Burning Pillar, he who holds the Heavens above.
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Dragon Master

I agree with you. :) (for most of the things.)

And the episode with the Skrill in it is "A Time to Skrill.' Just for your information. ;)

Like I said I agree with most of the things. ;)
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Great write up.
I'd have to agree with nearly everything you have said.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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Dunno what to say here.....

I must agree- Personally, this was the best season we've had so far, although I've got a feeling the upcoming episodes will trump this into oblivion- if you've read the recent interview on the Home Page (just got back from there), you'll know he believes the next episodes will be amazing- and I believe in him 120%.

Also, if you wish to see my 'review or rant' on this season, I have already done so in the Season Two discussion, or one of the other recent topics. :)

PS. Nice to see you around already, The Burning Pillar!
Save the Earth... It's the only planet with donuts!

May the stars watch over you, the dragons roar at the sound of your name, and peace, love and the truth enlighten your heart forever,
May you stay true to your soul, mind and heart. Your choices, opinions and life are solely your own, give only the ones you hold dear to your heart your heart, and all your word. Make the right choices, and tread carefully, and live your life to its very fullest,
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Hideous Zippleback

As a person who admittedly watched season two almost solely to see what they did with Dagur's character, I completely agree with your analysis there. I ended up getting much more brilliant content than I bargained for with these episodes, though, and I had to write a long review of it too! ^_^

The best Secret Odin GIF(t) ever, made for me by DeWhite! Thank you! :D
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Terrible Terror

I have to say, I think I agree with you on every point you've made here. Although I do need to watch the series again. I had my own little berkathon so was very tired at the end, and might have glossed over a few things. :(
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

I had the chance to watch a few more episodes.
Here goes what I noticed.
Night of the hunters part 1. I like how they show Astrid and stormfly's friendship closer than ever. And I also liked how they showed her not giving up until she got stormfly back. I now don't like heather. But I also like the small hicstrid moment when Astrid wakes up after hiccup rescues her from drowning.

Night of the hunters part2/ this was another good one. I think the screaming death still has a grudge against hiccup and toothless. But, I didn't notice heather in this one.

Bad mood rising/ this one was ok. But, I noticed for once. When snotlout shot his mouth off. Ruffnut made him help her to convince him he wasn't going to change into a dragon. But I really liked the fact that this one out of all of them shows she really cares about tuffnut as her brother. :ruffnut: :tuffnut:
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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