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Hey you! U.K. Book fan! Cmere!
Topic Started: 27 Aug 2017, 15:19 (6861 Views)
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[color=#B40431]Winner of Shnuckle's Oneshot Fanfiction Contest 2014

Alright so I live in the US BUT I usually got the Httyd books shipped over here from the U.K. Because the US covers are.... really really terrible. But anyway. At one one point in time I had the UK version of book 8 but it got lost and I had to replace it with my crappy US one.

My question is... could you please turn to the part where Fishlegs is fainting because of Tantrum Oguerly and Hiccup has his little paragraph line about 'youll be a real heartbreaker when you're older'

Because you see I'm pretty sure that giant paragraph is differently worded in the US version. Which is a shame, because the U.K. Wording was a lot funnier :P

US version: 'Fainting always impresses these Amazon Vikings'

'There Were Dragons When I Was A Boy…'

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