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Happy 10th Birthday, Forumvine
Topic Started: 09 Apr 2024, 10:29 (17874 Views)
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Archivist of Berk

It was exactly 10 years ago today, that the announcement of the Berk's Grapevine Forums was made.

I remember signing up on that very first day - and being amazed at the amount of activity and talk that was going on. While we're a long way from that now, the forums live on, mostly as an archive of the HTTYD fandom around the time of the release of HTTYD2, but still as dragon-esque (if :snotlout: can use that word, I can too!) as ever.

So thank you, all Forumvine members, for making these past 10 years amazing. <3

Share your memories of the forums (how you found them, when you signed up, the friends you've made) below!
Astrid - "Hictooth"?
Hiccup - Yeah, it's not my snappiest comeback.
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Trying to hatch from the egg

The over 24 hour Berkathon was incredible, many fans were always online and watching it all together through the then Toothl.es IRC chat was amazing.

I am still unsure how we ever used Hipchat for the first chat system :P
Still though I have met many great people through there that I am still in contact with today, so thanks Forumvine for making many great past and I bet many great future memories! ^_^
I am Iantje

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Dragonrider's Fury
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Happy 10th birthday, Berk's Forumvine!!
At this point, I don't even remember how I found this place, but I am SO glad I did! There are (and were) so many awesome people here! I love having a place to come together with fellow fans to just geek out about dragons, Dragons, and other things! Come on, everybody! Let's make the next 10 years as awesome and crazy as the past 10! :D

For those of you just browsing this forum, you should join us! This place is simply wonderful, and it's all its members, past, present, and future, that have made, do make, and will continue to make it so. :)
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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Awesome Secret Odin 2019 GIFt set from Inhonoredglory. Thanks a ton! :-D
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There were dragons, when I was a boy...

Hooray for 10 years! Here's hoping for another 10.
How many times must I fix my signature over the years?
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average space enthusiast

10 years!! Definitely haven't been here since the very beginning but I wouldn't trade the memories I made here for the world
Engineer and Pyromaniac. What's not to love?

I plan to send a rocket to the edge of space before I turn 25
P A T H E T I C ! ! !
:nightfuryegg: :toothless: :nightfuryegg:
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Archivist of Berk

The memories really have been incredible. I've been lucky enough to have met... 8 of you now, I think? Amazing times.
Astrid - "Hictooth"?
Hiccup - Yeah, it's not my snappiest comeback.
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I joined shortly after HTTYD 2's release, I figured perhaps there might be a forum for the films and found this one. (I found out about Tumblr later on, but was never interested)

BG and the Skypevine were life changing for me really - if it weren't for this place, I would not have met @Dan_Oceans . We're getting married later this year, and I'm sure there will be some dragons-related themeing/decorations we can fit in.

I'm glad the forums are still around, I think you have done an incredible job hictooth of managing to keep pretty much everything in-tact despite the migrations and whatever hosting hassles you've had to deal with. It was nice meeting up in Warwick, hopefully I can make it to another meeting at some point in future. 8)
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[b]Mr. Insane Insanity

Happy 10th Anniversary Berk's Grapevine Forums!

While I wish I was more active in here, I'm very glad that I found this fandom and this place!
Through this and the Skypevine, I have met @SilaNightFury in the USA for the HTTYD2 release and some others from the Skypevine in London for HTTYD2 as well.
And the HTTYD Marathon on Toothl.es, that was an event. So many people watching it together, amazing! Or the HTTYD 10th Anniversary, also on Toothl.es,that was also a great event!
And years later I was able to meet @Iantje for HTTYD3 in Netherlands to be one of the first to watch it in Europe.
And so many other fans from all over Europe like @hictooth, @Iantje @Twigman, @Leffie & @Raide (go follow those two amazing artists 👀) and many more for the HTTYD3 in Berlin! Or in London for the private, Uni cinema HTTYD movie in Southampton, or the HTTYD Concert in Lille, or the HTTYD marathon in London.
I wouldn't want to trade these memories for anything, I'm glad to have met you all because of HTTYD, Berk's Grapevine and all the other chats like Skype, HipChat, Toothl.es and Discord!
So thank you and let's hope this place will stay forever! :D
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