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Season 6 Discussion
Topic Started: 18 Feb 2018, 04:28 (10723 Views)
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Dragon Trainer class 5

Please tell me im the only one that saw mildew at the end of the season when Drago yells for someone to get his maps

OC: Oliver and Storm
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Dragon Trainer class 5

Also i loved this season thought it was the best by far i thought it was alittle stupid how they used a new drangon to throw us of to the real king of dragons but eh, i do agree with the dragged out ending and i also didnt like the flash back bit they did ik their was a plot point to it that astrid was trying to tell hiccup hes where hes suppose to be but i think its was awkward. Lastly the stoick on his death bed thing was unessesary as well in a way. It does pull the stress if becoming the next cheif into play but again seemed unnecessary. P.S why is their no explination for astrid changing her shirt color. Shouldve just left it alone. I could nitpick all day but over all i liked it even though it does fell like they left a bit an answered.

OC: Oliver and Storm
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17 Feb 2018, 19:13
Luna G. Hofferson
17 Feb 2018, 13:33
Well I was definitely not ready for it to be over, and it sounds like you didn't enjoy the season :ermm:
I said I wasn't wowed by it. It was ok in my opinion, but I feel the series had begun to drag on after season 4 (when it was originally supposed to end). Viggo was fun to the end and I liked seeing familiar dragons in the last episode. Honestly, I was only ever into the series for the dragons. Not a fan of how the writing decided to include a Bewilderbeast in the end however, I don't feel that helps tie the series to the movies at all. Hiccup doesn't know what spits all the ice onto Eret's fort in HtTYD2, nothing at all about the "King of Dragons".

Anyhow, the show has been fun despite it's misses for me. I'll be looking forward to Dragonvine and an eventual teaser for HtTYD3 now.
To be fair, hiccup said himself that he never saw the king of dragons.

Also, I agree that I started out simply because dragons.

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I absolutely loved the season! Also, I would like to point out a few things:

First, we didn't see Viggo's body. Remember the last time we saw Viggo die and didn't see his body? Mmm-hmm.

Second, we didn't see Krogan's body.

Third, we saw Johann frozen, but the human body can be frozen for a short time and still recover. And it's not like we've ever seen a long-time frozen person recover in fiction before!
No, Captain America. Hush. Go away.

Fourth, Mildew in the background... who's the real boss here? Drago, or the dude standing on a platform high above his head, hmmm?

And fifth, remember that dragon flyer we assumed got attacked in the bushes on Vanaheim? We never saw his body, either.

I see plenty of loose ends for fanfiction material! ;)
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Yeah, but Drago was pretty clear that Krogan was being executed.
Engineer and Pyromaniac. What's not to love?

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Aphmau is the best!

Drago was clear about that part, and I think Johann would die from thirst or hunger
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18 Feb 2018, 13:49
To be fair, hiccup said himself that he never saw the king of dragons.
Yes, but he should be able to put two and two together. He saw all the ice structures in the cave, the same thing as what Eret's fort was covered in. But when Hiccup gets back to Berk, he says "I've never seen anything like it" which doesn't fit with the episode. Just my two cents.
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18 Feb 2018, 08:35
Also i loved this season thought it was the best by far i thought it was alittle stupid how they used a new drangon to throw us of to the real king of dragons but eh, i do agree with the dragged out ending and i also didnt like the flash back bit they did ik their was a plot point to it that astrid was trying to tell hiccup hes where hes suppose to be but i think its was awkward. Lastly the stoick on his death bed thing was unessesary as well in a way. It does pull the stress if becoming the next cheif into play but again seemed unnecessary. P.S why is their no explination for astrid changing her shirt color. Shouldve just left it alone. I could nitpick all day but over all i liked it even though it does fell like they left a bit an answered.

I feel like the best explanation for Astrid changing her shirt is either
1. As she got that little bit older she had to change her shirt, due to growing and there was no more blue fabric to make a new blue one
2. She wanted the change to not have the reminder of what she'd be missing (I won't wear certain things because I miss the memories with them)
3. Girls change their minds a lot xD
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

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Why do we need an explanation for little things like outfit changes, anyway? She was wearing the same shirt throughout all of Race to the Edge and it was probably starting to smell, so she changed. End of story. :P
Clouds of corn <3
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I’m sure she changed that shirt, they just looked the same. She was disgusted when the twins said they had worn the same clothes their whole lives.
Engineer and Pyromaniac. What's not to love?

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