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"He's Not the Only One" AU
Topic Started: 23 Mar 2020, 20:33 (44695 Views)
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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

"Let's hope Snotlout and the twins aren't giving Fishlegs too hard of time," Hiccup joked.
Fishlegs tried his best not to let his anxiousness show, however, leading a dangerous mission like this one, where one wrong move would result in indefinite capture, was nerve-racking. How Hiccup did it so often he may never know. Luckily for them the ship's crew was too focused on catching up to Drago's flagship to notice the three dragons. Fishlegs looked behind his shoulder and could just barely see the shape of New Berk fading away. Still no sign of Hiccup and Astrid.
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"Stormfly is very beautiful" Eira said continuing her reach to pet the dragon. She spoke softly in dragon speak, commenting on the dragon's wings and coloration. "Stormfly says she very much cares for you" She said to Astrid, as she scratched the dragon's chin. "As Toothless is of you Chief Hiccup."

Rider glanced around, "Your friends are on patrol I assume?" He eyed the dragons, as Shadow came back toward the ground meeting Toothless half way.

Eira looked between The dragons and people, "Toothless says he's hoping you'll let us stay. I'm sorry to say we didn't bring any extra fish," She translated with a laugh, watching the two dark dragons. "Is there somewhere we can speak in private? " She saw the faint outline of their ship coming into view, "That is our ship there, with the white flag. I'm sure our dragons and workers will enjoy the rest here. She wandered in the small area as she spoke, in awe of all the dragons. She couldn't believe it. All this time, there was another island out there, like hers. And she never knew.

"Eira was raised by dragons," Rider explained, "But that's another story..." He didn't want to bring up Kelii out in the open, at least not unless Eira was ready to.
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

"Raised by dragons, huh? That's incredible!" Hiccup marveled. "As for a private place to talk, sure, I can clear out the Great Hall and we could go there."
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Scribe of Berk

"Get away from us," Magin snarled at the Dragon Hunters who were taking him and Lucretia to the arena.
One of the men grinned mockingly. "What are you going to do, boy?"
Magin didn't respond, tensing his muscles and preparing to attack. Both of the Hunters were enormous, but he and Lucretia had been taught how to overpower larger opponents.
He looked at Lucretia. One, he mouthed to her.
With a scream, he ran at the Dragon Hunter nearest to him, and Lucretia charged towards the other man. However, Magin's body hadn't completely overcome the effects of the Deathgripper venom, and his legs were still weak. He stumbled, falling. One of the Hunters grabbed his arms and pulled him upright, shoving him roughly, while Lucretia was forced to follow behind.
Well, that worked perfectly, he thought sarcastically.
The minutes passed as they continued to walk, until eventually they reached the arena, which was better described as a massive pit carved out of the ice on the ground, lined with seats. There was a huge metal net covering the top — Magin guessed that was intended to stop the dragon combatants from escaping by simply flying out of the arena — and several sturdy metal doors surrounded the inside of the pit, including a tunnel, presumably leading to where the fighters, human or otherwise, were confined inside their cages between each match.
He was pushed again by the Hunter. His legs were shaking, threatening to make him collapse, and not because of the Deathgripper venom. Desperately, he tried to control his terror and forced himself to walk into the arena beside Lucretia.
"Welcome to your new home," the Hunter said.
Books are like dragons... if we do not believe in them, and read them, they will cease to exist.
How then will we learn the language and understand the stories of the dear dead ghosts of the past?

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

Meanwhile, on another part of the island, Ottar was confined to a cage meant for dragons. It would've been pitch black in there if not for a few torches lining the wall outside his cell. Despite the low lighting he could tell he was in some sort of cave and that he wasn't alone. There were dragons screeching and banging their heads against their cages. It hurt to hear their desperate cries. In fact, it almost felt like he was back working for Grimmel again. He shuddered; he'd rather die than go back to that life.
Glancing at the cage across from him he realized he was being watched. A pair of yellow eyes gazed at him intently from the bars. "Hello?" he said to the creature even though he knew it couldn't understand him.
"Talking to yourself already?" came a voice, making Ottar jump. Out of the shadows stepped Cadell. In the flickering torchlight the boy almost looked threatening, but Ottar knew better. Cadell was just another one of Drago's pawns; he blindly did everything his master commanded. He tossed Ottar a plate of poorly prepared mutton before turning to face the cage behind him.
"You know you don't have to do this," Ottar said, "You know my story. It's not too late to change."
Cadell ignored him and dumped a bucket of fish into the dragon's cage. The dragon growled at him and two tusks emerged from its lower lip.
"Venomjaw?" Ottar exclaimed.
The dragon's eyes turned back to Ottar and it roared happily.
"Venomjaw!" Ottar confirmed with elation.
Cadell rolled his eyes, "Oh how touching," he spat before leaving the cave.
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Over on New Berk in the great hall, Eira had been telling her story to Astrid and Hiccup, about how the dragons took her in as a young child, and how they raised her as one of there own, how she grew up as the adopted daughter of the leader of the dragons there. She told them about her island, how it was almost as if it were a whole other world, tropical, beautiful, lush and filled with dragons of all kinds, but especially ones similar to Shadow.

She told them how in time she grew up to discover she was heir to one of the human tribes on the island a chance meeting when she saved Rider from a pack of speed stingers, and how she was considered a 'princess' - how she hated that word- of two worlds. With the humans, she learned to speak English as time passed more of her duties as heir to the throne/tribe.Her tribe of the few that was kind to animals and dragons. She told them how shortly after, another man came to their village, claiming he could help all tribes be like hers. How all humans and dragon alike would be at peace.

And then how he turned on them. He raided their village using rouge dragons, attacked their homes, set fires to their farms and worse. She explained how he hunted the dragons on the island, most were set free, all but for her dragon father, who was killed by this mad man, who was set on getting revenge, refusing to believe dragons could be kind, gentle creatures.

"some of the dragons go into hibernation during some of the winter months," Eira explained, arms wrapped around herself, "He attacked when they were just shy of coming ou,t when the dragons would be out numbered, the tribes stood together in their best attempt to protect our most beautiful and rare creatures... my father was unlucky. This man... he was ruthless, and refused to believe he was in the wrong. I thought I could change his mind, I had a connection between the two kinds. My father died saving me... My sister, Keli and I were left as a bridge between our two kinds" Her voice trailed off a bit.

"It has been some time since that happened, but I fear the hunters are return to finish what they started. My sister -Keli and I were out flying the other morning... we spotted a boat just off the coast of our island, we went to investigate and they attacked. I remember arrows, chains that couldn't be broken by dragon fire... Keli and I were knocked into the ocean... and I haven't seen her since. I am told she was caught, likely hunters that belonged to this same man who attacked us before."

Toothless came up to her side, nuzzling her hand, so she took the chance to give him a slight scratch under the chin. A small smile grew on her face watching the dragon's tail move just slightly. "You must care about your dragons as much as we ours. Toothless is very well loved. I've had yet to meet humans as kind as you outside our island."
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

Hiccup had listened intently to Eira's story. In a way, he realized, it was similar to his own. Looking down at Toothless made a smile spread across his face. "There are a few other tribes like ours," he told Eira, "but unfortunately there are still many more that don't take so kindly to dragons."
There was silence.
"I'm sorry about your sister," he added. "Some visitors to our island were just captured by Dragon Hunters as well. Our friends went out to track a ship that should lead us to their base. It seems like more than a coincidence that they and Kelii were captured on the same day. Astrid and I were going to catch up to the ship shortly; you can come with us if you'd like." He glanced over at Astrid to make sure she agreed with the invitation.
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Astrid still looked slightly dubious, but nodded her consent. Calling Stormfly to herself, she sprang lightly to the dragon's neck, as she had done countless times over the past six years.
"Come on. The sooner we get out there, the shorter it will take."
Proverbs 25:11
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

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Awesome Secret Odin 2019 GIFt set from Inhonoredglory. Thanks a ton! :-D
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Night Fury, Light Fury, Deadly Nadder, Razorwhip hybrid

Cadell's mind was restless. His entire life, he had been taught that dragons were the vilest of vile things, the evilest of evil creatures, that the only things they could comprehend were how to kill and destroy. Now, here came these Dragon Riders preaching the exact opposite. But worst of all, they seemed to be right. They had proved that dragons were capable of feelings and, dare he think it, being kind. They had proved that coexistence between man and dragon was possible. Not to mention the fact that being a Dragon Rider seemed like much better deal than being a Dragon Hunter. Stop, he told himself, Drago had no mercy, especially not when it came to mutiny.
As he dumped the last bucket of fish into the last cage he looked at the dragon inside.
Its wise yellow eyes stared back at him. This dragon was not growling, it was not in an angered frenzy, nor was it in a depressed state. It was calm.
Cadell couldn't understand why. But he didn't have time to stand there and think about it either, so he went on his way towards the cave's exit.
When he made it there he saw the blond hunter standing there waiting for him.
"What do you want?" Cadell griped.
"Grimmel's here," the boy responded. "Drago wants you to get the prisoner," handing Cadell a bottle filled with purple liquid, he continued, "and told me to give you this in case he isn't cooperative like that Magin kid."
Cadell looked down at the Deathgripper venom in his hand before trekking back into the the cave.

"You're wanted," Ottar heard Cadell's voice say, despite not being able to see him yet.
"Drago just saw me," he reasoned, "why would he possibly want to again?"
Instead of answering him directly Cadell said, "You can either come peacefully, or..." he stepped into Ottar's line of vision, making sure the bottle of Deathgripper venom was clearly visible.
Grimacing, Ottar put his hands in the air.
With a smirk, Cadell unlocked Ottar's cell and bound his hands together.
He contemplated attempting an escape, but knew he could never free Venomjaw before Cadell injected that whole jar of venom into his bloodstream.

Shuffling along the corridor to Drago's quarters, Ottar was racking his brain as to why he would want to see him again so soon.
Cadell opened the door and shoved Ottar in.
When he entered, Ottar realized Drago wasn't alone. There was also a tall, skinny man dressed all in black sitting in a chair and smiling cruelly. It was Grimmel the Grisly.
Ottar's mouth flopped open and his skin turned ghostly white. "You--! But you drowned!"
"A little water never hurt anyone, boy," Grimmel said coolly. "Now," he changed the subject, "it's been so long since I've seen you, how have you been?" he asked fakely.
Ottar said nothing.
"Well," continued Grimmel, "I've come to give you a second chance."
Ottar stood firm. "I need no second chances from you. I've left dragon hunting behind for good. Kill me if you'd like, but I won't go back."
Grimmel glared at him, suddenly his voice change to something that sounded like it was dripping with poison. "Drago tells me you let out a few of my little secrets," he spat.
"People need to know the truth about the greatest deceiver in and outside the archipelago."
Fingering his crossbow, it looked as though Grimmel was seriously contemplating whether or not to shoot him on the spot.
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Scribe of Berk

The guard ran the blade of his sword along the metal bars of the cage, making a terrible noise and waking up the boy inside.
Magin rubbed his eyes. The hard stone floor of the cell had given him an awful night's sleep, and he wasn't in a particularly cheerful mood. "What do you want?" he snarled.
"You're in the match schedule for today," the Dragon Hunter replied. "I'm supposed to take you to the fight ring."
"Who will my opponent be?" Magin asked. Suddenly, he had a terrible thought. "Is Ottar here? In this arena?"
The man grinned cruelly, showing his foul yellow teeth. "No. Drago has other plans for him."
Magin wanted to ask more, but he didn't get the chance. The guard unlocked the door with a key and entered the cell, walking over to him. "Get up."
Magin thought about staying where he was, but then he remembered what Cadell had done to him. It would be very difficult to fight against an opponent if he had Deathgripper venom inside his bloodstream, affecting his reflexes. Suddenly, he had an idea.
The man raised his eyebrows. "No? I'm warning you, boy. Try anything and you'll feel this—" he pulled a needle filled with purple liquid from his pocket and showed it to Magin "—in your arm."
Magin smiled mockingly. "By all means, why don't you give it a go?"
As he expected, the Dragon Hunter moved forwards and tried to stab him with the needle, but when Magin stamped on his toes, he dropped it. Before the guard saw him, he caught the needle and hid it in his boot.
The man pulled him roughly to his feet, grimacing with pain. "Move," he ordered, shoving Magin towards the door.
As he walked down the line of cells with the guard, Magin saw dragons imprisoned behind the bars. He caught sight of one beast with three braided tails, a purple brute with lightning flickering across its skin, and he glimpsed the snow-white scales of the third demon, looking at him menacingly with icy blue eyes, freezing him in its stare.
The guard pushed Magin forwards again, releasing him from the dragon's glare, and as he reached the gate at the end of the tunnel, he heard the noise of the crowd, shouting for Magin and his opponent — whoever it was.
Well, he was about to find out now. The guard opened the gate, and he entered the arena.
"Today, we have a newcomer — Magin, from the lands beyond the Archipelago, and his opponent Agnar, who was once a Dragon Hunter before he betrayed his brothers," the announcer called.
Magin saw the gates open from the opposite side of the arena, and Agnar stepped out. The crowd cheered, eager for the blood that would soon be spilled, and Magin swore that he would not give it to them. He refused to kill another man again.
"Let the fight begin!"
Books are like dragons... if we do not believe in them, and read them, they will cease to exist.
How then will we learn the language and understand the stories of the dear dead ghosts of the past?

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