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The Legend Of Scale Chapter 5
Topic Started: 16 Apr 2014, 12:04 (1645 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

Chapter 5

{Dragon Island 6 months later}

Hiccup's life was perfect. He had the girl of his dreams, friends, not to mention he's king of the dragons. You would expect him to be happy. He wasn't. At least, Scale wasn't. Everywhere, Hiccup was still thought of as useless and a traitor.

Hiccup had successfully ended the war between the vikings and the dragons when he became king, but no one knew but those on the island. He wasn't one to boast, but he wished that people knew just so they could see what he was really capable of. Hiccup had better do something soon, however, because Scale was getting a little restless at the lack of attention

It had taken three months for Hiccup to fully heal from his encounter with the Red Death. He had all but past out when Astrid asked if she could stay with him. She and Hiccup now lived in a house built in the wooded parts of the island. They had their own rooms, of course.

When Hiccup had gotten used to using his new prosthetic, he asked Astrid and the Walkers if they could teach him how to fight. You couldn't become a renowned viking if you didn't know how to at least fight. He had been training for three months, stopping only to work on some projects he had in his new forge, or to fly Toothless.

Dragonese, also, was something Hiccup had been working on. It took a lot of practice to learn all the weird croons and grunts that the dragons call 'words'. But, Hiccup was a fast a learner and had most of the language down. He could now command his dragon troops by speaking to them in their own language.

The dragons loved their new king, he treated them so much better than the queen. Hiccup didn't see the point in having so many dragons on the island at once, because the absolute amount of them was insane. So, Hiccup would give half of them time off for half the year while the others stayed, mostly to make sure no one found the island.


Hiccup sprint through the forested part of the island, which took up the back half of the island. It was just a normal day of training, today was a survival lesson. Which just meant to avoid the...

"Flaming arrow!" Hiccup screeched as an arrow, that was set aflame, whizzed past his face and pierced a tree. Hiccup snapped his head to where the arrow came from, there was no trace of who shot it. Hiccup grasped his sword harder in his left hand and was in a fighting position, ready for anything.

The forest was thick. Tall trees blocked out a lot of the sky, the sun only breaking through the leaves at a few points. It was an eerie feeling being in there when you were alone. The ground was mostly covered in slick moss, which was a pain to walk on with a metal leg. There were patches of dirt on the ground, which Hiccup tried his best to always place his prosthetic on.

Hiccup had his knees bent, slowly looking around. Everything was quiet, which meant someone was about to jump out to try and cut his head off. He continued on his way. Before the training exercise started, Hiccup and the Walkers chose an extraction point where Toothless was waiting to take him to safety.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Was the battle cry of Hiccup's girlfriend. She jumped out of the bushes behind Hiccup, swinging her battle ax. Hiccup spun around faster then a blink of an eye, deflecting Astrid's ax with his sword. A loud 'clang!' sounded as the metals met and sparks flew, lighting up the area around them. Hiccup didn't know what the two weapons were made of that made the sparks fly.

Astrid ax was directed to the ground by Hiccup's sword. She used the moment it created to bring her right foot in a 180 degree spin kick at Hiccup's side. He spun around it. Astrid now had her ax over her shoulder and swung it at the boy. Hiccup, again, was quicker and ducked under her blow. He gave a quick kick with his prosthetic at Astrid's side, but she easily dodged it.

Hiccup had been training for over two hours and beginning to get a bit sluggish. That wasn't good when you were battling Astrid. She noted Hiccup was slowing down, that just made her speed up her attacks. She finally landed a powerful kick in Hiccup's side, sending him to the ground on his back. He gave a grown of discomfort as he lay their. Astrid stood over him, her ax on his throat. A smirk graced her face.

"I have to hand to you, Hiccup, your getting better," Astrid said, helping Hiccup up off the ground.

"Yeah, I can tell," he responded sarcastically, dusting himself off and picking up his sword. Astrid rolled her eyes.

"No, really, if I wasn't hear training with you, you'd be a way better fighter than me." Hiccup, spite himself, smiled. Although, he didn't believe it, Astrid did.

"It's true, Hiccup." April said, coming out of her hiding place with a bow in hand. The Walkers had an uncanny ability to shoot fire like dragons, but out of their hands. "You are really becoming quite the worrier." Hiccup gave a small smile.

"Come on, lets head back. It's almost time for dinner," Astrid said. The three walked back together, Hiccup holding Astrid's hand in his. Hiccup gave his Night Fury call to let Toothless know they were finished with the training mission.

They arrived back at Hiccup's and Astrid's house in a couple minutes, with Toothless sprinting behind them trying to catch up. The house was in the middle of the woods, trees had been cleared to give them a front yard that they could actually see. Astrid was forced to do more of the girly things around the place, things she tried to get out of back on Berk. Amelia had taught her to cook, thankfully. She also had to do most of the choirs around the place, like clean and work on the garden she and April were doing, while Hiccup learned Dragonese and worked with the male Walkers on training the dragon population. Before either of them knew it, they had a functioning domestic life as well as an army of fire breathing reptiles.

The group entered the house to find Hade, Riker and Amelia sitting at the table. What ever they were discussing was dropped when the they came in. Hade stood up to great them.

"Sooo, how was training?" Hade asked. Hiccup had convinced them to drop the cool guy act awhile ago. They no longer wore their black cloaks when on dragon island. Instead, they wore normal viking cloths.

"Oh, great... just great. I mean, if you count getting owned by your girlfriend, then yes, it was great," Hiccup said, sarcastically. The Walkers laughed, Astrid did her best not to, but couldn't help the smile.

"Oh, come on, your getting better. A lot better. You need to stop selling yourself short," Astrid said. Hiccup didn't seem to believe it. He noticed the table was set, he guessed Amelia did it while they were training. Everyone sat at the table to begin eating. It was then Hiccup noticed that Toothless hadn't come back yet.

"Anyone seen Toothless?" He asked. Everyone shook their heads. No. Hiccup couldn't help but worry when he didn't know where his friend was at all times. He was about to get up to go look for him, but Toothless opened the door with his paw and sat by his friend.

"You going to shut the door?" Hiccup asked his friend in Dragonese. Toothless looked at him, then the door, then back at him. Riker sighed. Since he was the closest to the door he got up and shut it.

"Useless reptile," he said.

"Preach it to the quire my friend," Toothless said. Hiccup laughed.

"Where you been Toothless?" Astrid asked, she didn't know Dragonese yet, but Toothless understood Norse. Toothless took that as show what you've been up to and regurgitated a squirrel right in front of Hiccup. Hiccup leaned back into his chair, trying to get away from the nasty thing.

"I thought you only eat fish?" Hiccup questioned.

"I like to try knew things," Toothless said. "Also, this guy was making fun of me." Hiccup just looked at his friend. Every since he learned to speak dragon he learned that dragons and other animals don't get along.

"Really? You can talk to squirrels?" Amelia said. Toothless shook his head and explained how it was throwing acorns at him. The gang laughed at Toothless's little showdown with a squirrel.

"You going to leave this hear ooorrr..." Hiccup said, gesturing to the squirrel. Toothless grabbed it by the tail, through it up in the air ate it again. He shivered at the taste.

"Doesn't taste as good the second time," Toothless said. The group laughed and continued their meal.

"Hey, where's Stormfly?" Hiccup asked.

"Probably looking at herself in the mirror in my room," Astrid answered. Nadder's were obsessed with how they looked and were always trying to make themselves prettier.

After dinner, the Walkers left the house to go back to their place in the cave where Hiccup had staid to heal. He and Astrid were left alone, sitting on the couch looking into the fire. Astrid had her head on Hiccup's shoulder. Yep. Life was perfect. To bad they couldn't share the peace with anyone else. Sure, the war was over between vikings and dragons, but that's only because all the dragons didn't have to serve the queen anymore. Hiccup sighed.

"What're you thinking Hiccup?" Astrid asked in a soft voice. She tilted her head up to look into Hiccup eyes. She could read him like a book.

"Nothing," he said, fidgeting. Astrid rolled her eyes and gave Hiccup a look she perfected over the months. Hiccup did his best to not look into his girlfriends blue eyes, but gave in.

"Fine!" He said, defeated. Astrid looked back into the fire, snuggling closer to Hiccup. "I was just thinking about Berk. As hard as I try not to, it just keep popping up."

"Yeah, I find myself thinking about mom a lot, too," Astrid said. Hiccup shook his head in disbelief.

"If they could see me now," he chuckled, "they'd hate me, but they'd respect me." Astrid chuckled quietly. The two fell into silence until an idea came to Astrid.

"Well... Their might be a way for you to show Berk what you can really do," she said. Hiccup gave her a questioning look, though she didn't see it.

"And what way would that be?"

"The Viking Games," she answered, tilting her head to look at him again. The Viking Games was a term Hiccup didn't know to well. Probably because he was never allowed to go. The Viking Games were a series of games that the vikings play. Each tribe in the archipelago would send their greatest worriers with their chief to an island (it changed every year) to compete against each other. The great thing about the Games were you could compete in peace, it didn't matter if you were at war with another tribe. If you were part the archipelago then you could compete.

Hiccup thought about it. It was a way to get out there and show everyone what he was capable of.

"I don't know, Astrid. Do you think we could even compete, you know, not having a chief to represent us?"

"You king over the dragons, Hiccup. You could represent us. Although, we should probably go to Berk to see if the rules permit it."

"Wait! Berk? The Games are being held... At Berk?" Hiccup said, standing up, causing Astrid's head to fall. She caught herself, annoyed that their little moment was ruined. "How do you know the Games are being held at Berk?" He continued.

"Because, I was going to participate this year. Then you decided you wanted to ride dragons," she said. Hiccup winced. It was kinda his fault Astrid got in trouble, even though she said it wasn't.

"K, fine. How do we even get on Berk without getting shot?" Hiccup asked with his arms crossed, waiting for an answer. Astrid thought about this for a second.

"The games are tomorrow, if I remember the date correctly. And, by tradition, they won't officially start until they had a great feast at noon." Hiccup thought about this information. If he and Astrid entered right after the feast, then by law they couldn't attack them. Perfect. A smile stretched across his face.

"Well, guess we'll be gracing the Games with our presence," Hiccup said.

"We'll need our sleep if you're going to win this thing," Astrid said, standing up off the couch to look Hiccup in the eye.

"Your right. Good night, Astrid." With a goodnight kiss, Hiccup and Astrid headed off to their rooms. Astrid's was upstairs and Hiccup's was downstairs. Tomorrow, they would fly to Berk, there, the Games will begin.

A/N: Hello, hoped you enjoyed! I'll be coming out with a mini-series full of one shots, so keep an eye out for, 'A Dragons Misfit Adventures'! It'll be about the dragons of course and has no 1 main character.
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Monstrous Nightmare

Wow, that bit of Hiccstrid was great. Can't wait to see what what happens!
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Yea, the hickstrid part was good.
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Nice to see if they are allowed to enter the games with their dragons.
And how stoic reacts to them.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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Monstrous Nightmare

Fun to see that everyone enjoys your fanfiction Dagur! (I simply have to >:D )
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Deadly Nadder

17 Apr 2014, 12:20
Fun to see that everyone enjoys your fanfiction Dagur! (I simply have to >:D )
*gasps* Who is this Dagur? I am Shnuckles!
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