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How To Find A Hiccup Ch. 1 and 2
Topic Started: 19 Apr 2014, 14:15 (1342 Views)
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Deadly Nadder

How To Find A Hiccup

Chapter 1

'A Little Bit of Hope'

It's been five long years since Scale has passed, five long years of peace for all of the people in the archipelago. Well, almost everyone. Astrid Hofferson sat in Berk's new Dragon Training Academy with her head in her hands. She was currently trying to teach the mutton-heads that live on Berk how to ride and train dragons. Right now, the only students she had were three fully grown men and a fully grown woman. You think it would be easy to teach grown-ups something as easy as riding a dragon, heck, she learned in a day when she was just fourteen. But no, Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff and Fishlegs seem reluctant to learn. OK, Fishlegs is the only one who has a strong bond with his dragon, Meatlug, but the rest are a lost cause.

"Fire!" An order was given to a particular feisty nightmare. A stream of fire shot across the dragon training arena, people ducked and jumped out of the way as the blast hit the wall, leaving a large, black, scorch mark. Astrid and Fishlegs groaned and the twins just gave each other hi-five's, enjoying anything that caused a little bit of destruction.

This was day 10 of trying to learn how to bond with a dragon, it took forever for them to find enough dragons, since it seemed that all of the dragons who were following Scale were with Hiccup. Where ever he is. But, they don't stand still long enough to learn. The twins were wrestling along with their zippleback, Snotlout was in an argument with his dragon and Fish just sat in the corner of the arena talking to his dragon like it was some newborn baby.

"Guys'!" Astrid yelled, getting everyone's attention. "This isn't hard, if you all will just listen to me, then maybe we could actually get somewhere with dragon training." Snotlout rolled his eyes.

"The only reason you want us to ride dragons is so that we can help you look for Hiccup," he said. Astrid crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Of course that's why. Don't you guys want to see him, too?" The twins looked at each other, Snotlout looked off to the side and Fishlegs cast his glance to the floor. Astrid couldn't believe them sometimes.

"OK, so let me get this straight. You guys don't want to find Hiccup?" Astrid asked. Fishlegs looked into her cold, dead eyes, he quickly looked away.

"Well, Astrid," he said, "it's just that, well, you've already searched every island in the archipelago. I don't see what we're going to do differently then you." Fishlegs said with a shy and squeaky voice. Astrid slumped against the wall of the arena and slowly slid down it to a sitting position. Why did Hiccup never come back? Sure, some idiot shot him, but that was no reason to stay away. Astrid groaned, of course that's a good reason to stay away. He could be dead for all she knew, she shook her head. No. Hiccup was still alive and well, somewhere.

"Class dismissed," said Astrid, waving her hand toward the open gate. The group and their dragons left the arena, Astrid the last one to drag herself out. She mounted Stormfly and took off into the oncoming night. She remembered that Hiccup and Toothless loved to fly at night, she shook her head, she had to stop thinking about him. It wasn't good for her health. Still, she couldn't believe that Hiccup would stay gone all this time. He didn't even send a note to tell her where he was. He probably thought she hated him, for doing what he had done. No, that wasn't it, she told him how she felt the day he left. So, why didn't he come back?

It was a beautiful evening, the moon was just now peaking over the horizon. If you looked to the the opposite side you could see the last rays of the sun, slowly ducking away and out of site. Soon, stars littered the cloudless sky and Astrid knew she'd better head home. Someday, Hiccup would show. She was sure of it.

"Dinner's ready, dear," Phlegma said as Astrid stepped through the door. Stormfly had her own little stable beside her house, since she was to big to live inside. Astrid took a seat at the table, a fire roaring in the fire pit that was located in the middle of the downstairs. She sat there, her chin resting in her hand. Phlegma took one look at her daughter and sighed.

"You have to move on, Astrid," She said. Astrid said nothing, but knew she was right. It had been five, painfully long, years. Phlegma knew that she wouldn't let Hiccup go anytime soon, so, she tried a different approach.

"I'm sure Hiccup is alive and well." Astrid sighed.

"I know he is, and as soon as he shows his face I'm gonna kill him," Astrid said with a serious voice. Phlegma laughed.

"There's my Astrid." Astrid gave a weary smile and started to eat what her mother had placed in front of her. She was lucky, Phlegma was one of the few vikings that could actually cook. She sat down on the opposite side of her daughter with her own plate of food.

"Trader Johann will be docking tomorrow. I hear he's found this new client who sells him some of the most interesting artifacts and weapons," Phlegma was saying.

"Maybe Hiccup is his knew client," Astrid said jokingly, but deep down she hoped it was true. Phlegma chuckled.

"I don't see why not, he's supposedly not from the archipelago," she said. Astrid sighed, hoping. She knew she shouldn't get her hopes up, the chances were that they would get shot down, just like every other time.

The day was drawing to a close and Astrid lay in her bed. She looked at her dresser where a small blue box sat, holding something that Hiccup was going to give her, right before Scale decided to ruin everything. He'll be back, someday.


It was noon, still no sign of Johann. Astrid sat along with her friends and their dragons in the Great Hall. She wasn't really hungry, she was anxious as heck to find out whether or not Hiccup was Johann's new client.

"Astrid, you need to calm down," Fishlegs said. It was then that she noticed how jittery she was, with her foot tapping and her fingers drumming the table.

"Yeah, I mean, what are the chances that Hiccup is actually Johann's mystery client? Like, zero," Snotlout said, Astrid shot him a death glare. He went back to his food, but could still feel Astrid's eye's burning a hole through him. Tuffnut didn't understand something and he was about to make it known, but one look for Astrid made him shut his mouth, best not anger her more then she already was. A man who was working on the docks burst through the large doors of the Hall.

"Johann's here," he yelled. Astrid was the first one out the door and the first to make to the docks. She didn't know she could run that fast, she almost couldn't stop in time to avoid running into the old trader. But, the man was happy to see her none-the-less.

"Ah, young Astrid Hofferson. In a bit of a hurry aren't ya?" he said, "what may I do ya for? I have a ton of new weapons that I think will tickle you fancy." He chuckled as his hand swiped across the deck to show off all of his merchandise. Astrid could care less about what Johann had on his ship, she came here for information, not weapons. Although, maybe she could take a look at them later.

"Johann, sir, I understand that you have a new client, one who sells you some amazing weapons and trinkets," Astrid said. Johann seemed to go into thought.

"And where did you hear this information, my dear?" He said. Astrid just about lost hope again, right then and there. "Because, what ever your source is, it's right." The old trader laughed. Astrid groaned and folder her arms across her chest.

"So, who is he? Is he Hiccup?" she asked. Johann seemed a little reluctant.

"You know I can't give away my sources," he said. Astrid wasted no time in grabbing her ax and holding it at the mans throat. Trader Johann chuckled nervously. "Ah, well, I guess I can tell you, if you really must know. How about we discuss it over some lunch. I haven't eaten for three days. Lost most of me food in a storm." Astrid sighed, it was a start at least. She led him to the Great Hall.

They sat on the closest table as soon as they entered.

"Speak," Astrid said, Johann opened his mouth to say he hadn't gotten any a food. "Talk first, eat second." Johann sighed.

"Very well," he said, "what do you want to know."

"I want to know who's been selling you those fancy weapons,"

"Well, he's a young lad, 'bout the age of 15..." Astrid sighed, hope slipped from her once again.

"Oh, never mind then," she said. Johann was confused.

"Well, who did you hope it would be?" He asked.

"I was hoping it was... Hiccup," Johann knew exactly why Astrid wanted to know who he was buying from. He chuckled slightly and received a glare from Astrid. He shut up.

"What's so funny," she said.

"Well, this young fella is named Dane, Dane Haddock." Astrid eyes went wide.

"you mean..."

"Yep, this young lad said he was Dane Haddock, adopted son of Hiccup Haddock. The boy brings his masters creations from some place I know not where, and he sells them to me." Astrid almost laughed and skipped around the Hall like a little girl.

"So, you know where Hiccup is?"

"No, were you not listening? I said I don't know where the lad comes from, only that he rides a skrill to get to one of my trading posts. If you want to find Hiccup, you'll need to find Dane." Johann said. "Now, I'm going to get something to eat, I'm famished." With that, the trader got up from his seat and went to find some lunch. Astrid sat on the bench with a smile on her face. She had a chance to find Hiccup and, more importantly, he was alive!

She ran out of the Hall and to Stormfly. She wasted no time in getting on her and was soon off, looking for the other members of the academy. One by one she rounded them up told them to head to the arena, she had big news to share with them.

"Alright, Astrid, you dragged us all here. Now, spill the beans," Tuffnut said, Astrid couldn't contain her excitement. She rubbed her hands together and paced back and forth in front of the academy members, who were all lined up abreast with their dragons behind them.

"OK, guys, I have big, big news," taking a deep breath, Astrid continued. "GetonyourdragonsrightnowIknowwhereHiccupisandweregoingtofindhim," she said in one breath. The group just stared at her, having no idea what she had just said.

"Astrid, please, tell us again, but this time, not in less then a second," Fishlegs said. Astrid took another deep breath.

"Get on your dragons right now, I know where Hiccup is and we're going to find him," she said, much more calmly. The riders didn't seem to believe her.

"What?" she asked, "come on. Get on your dragons, lets go." They seemed reluctant, casting their glances everywhere but at her.

"Listen, Astrid, we know you really want to find him, but, he can't be found. You've tried for five years," Ruffnut said. Astrid looked at her with sorrowful eyes. No, now she knew a name of someone who knew where Hiccup was.

"Guys, Johann knows of someone who knows where Hiccup is. You have to come."

"Oh yeah, what's his name?" Snotlout asked.

"His name is Dane Haddock, adoptive son of Hiccup Haddock," she said, now it was their turn to get excited.

"So, you mean trader Johann knows of a kid who actually knows where Hiccup is?" Fishlegs asked, excitement was clear in his voice. Astrid nodded rather quickly and Fishlegs wasted no time in climbing on top of Meatlug.

"What are we waiting for?" He asked. Astrid wasted no time in climbing on top of her dragon, the other riders sighed in defeat and climbed atop of their dragons. At least they got to do something exciting and not their usual boring routine anymore.

"So, where do we go?" Snotlout asked as they were in the sky and flying away from Berk. Astrid face palmed herself.

"I... don't know," she said. The others groaned and turned back to the island to find Johann.

They landed in the middle of town, searching for the trader. He hadn't gone back to his ship yet, so he must still be in the Great Hall. Another realization hit Astrid, she hadn't even told Stoick or Gobber that Hiccup was alive and well and that she could find him.

"Guys', go get a map from Johann, I have to go talk to Stoick," Astrid called over her shoulder as she made her way up the hill to Stoick's house. Snotlout gave a thumbs up as they started to head towards the Hall. Astrid made it to the chiefs house in seconds, quickly knocking on the door.

The big burly man opened the door and Astrid almost hit him with her knocking. The years had done a number on the chief, his son leaving twice in such a short time had really left it's mark. His eyes seemed to have sunk back into his skull a little, along with bags under his eyes. His face had more wrinkles then it did and his beard was more white then red.

"What is it, Hofferson," said a weary chief. Astrid was all but hopping up and down with excitement.

"I know how to find Hiccup," She said. The chiefs eyes widened and he stepped aside to let the young woman in.

"OK, Astrid, I want you to tell me exactly how you know where Hiccup is," Stoick said as he and Astrid sat down at the kitchen table. She had only been in this house a handful of times, but she knew it used to be much more lively then this. Hiccup's leaving had impacted their lives more then anyone really thought.

"You know that Johann's been getting some shipment from a new client he's found?" she asked and Stoick nodded. Astrid had to force herself to retain a squeal. "Well, guess what the name is of that new client."

Stoick's eyes widened even more. "Hiccup?" Astrid shook her head, no.

"His name is Dane, but Johann said he pronounced himself this, 'Dane Haddock, adoptive son of Hiccup Haddock." Stoick just stared at her for a moment, but erupted into a jolly laughter that no one has heard in over five years. The burly man stood up quickly, his chair flying against the wall in the process.

"Well, what are you doing here then. Go find this Dane and bring Hiccup back," the chief shouted with joy.

"We are, sir, we just need to get a map from Johann, then we'll be on our way," Astrid confirmed. Stoick slapped his beefy hands together.

"Oh, boy! I wish I could come," he said, "but this chieftain thing wouldn't allow it." Stoick sighed as he grabbed his chair that was thrown against the wall and sat back down. "My boy's alive." Astrid nodded her head. She looked down at the table, Hiccup was alive and they knew how to find him.

Chapter 2


A map was spread across a table in the Great Hall. Stoick, Gobber, Astrid, the twins and Fishlegs, along with Johann, loomed over it. Johann had his finger tracing the paths that he thought would be the best ones to take to get to Glorl.

Glorl was a small village all but unknown to the people of Berk. It was one of the last islands in the archipelago, located on the very outskirts of the cluster of islands. The people of Berk, save a few, have never even heard about the island, but were listening intently to what Johann had to say about it.

"Glorl is a fairly new island in which I trade with," Johann was saying, "but, the island isn't some wimpy little thing, some of the toughest people I have ever met live there. So, it would be wise to not agitate them. I know they're not close to your own village, Stoick, but I wouldn't even think for a moment that they won't set sail and come over here to give you a piece of their mind." Stoick shot a glance over to the twins and Snotlout, the three smiled sheepishly.

"So, when do we leave? It seems like it'll be a three day trip at least," Astrid said. Johann shrugged one shoulder.

"Well, you can leave when ever you want, there is a checkpoint right here," Johann said, pointing to an island that was in between Berk and Glorl. "So, you should be able to get there by the end of the day, if you leave now. You guys have what you need?" Astrid and the academy nodded, they had packed just a minute before while Johann was shuffling through all of his maps to find the right one. "Right, well then I suggest you go. Thor's speed my berkian friends.

"Thanks Johann, we owe you one," Astrid said, shaking the mans hand.

"Anytime, Astrid. Tell 'Iccup I said hi," Johann said. Astrid smiled and nodded.

"I will." The riders saddled up their dragons outside and with a few good byes to and from loved ones, were off to Glorl.

They flew as long as their dragons could muster. Soon, their wings became tired and they started to lose altitude.

"Astrid, we need to land or else were going to have to swim to Glorl," Fishlegs said. Astrid knew he was right, that island Johann said would be a checkpoint should be coming up soon. Off in the distance, a small shape was taking form, gradually, it grew bigger. The island Johann had talked about showed up in front of the sinking sun.

The village on the small island welcomed them, Astrid thought they must have had experience with people on dragons. Has Hiccup been here?

"Ah, newcomers," A large man said. He was a little shorter than Stoick, but seemed to be just as strong and intimidating. His beard was long, shaggy and black. The viking sported the normal viking helmet with large horns coming out of the sides.

"You must be the chief," Astrid said. The man gave a mighty bellow that Astrid guessed was a laugh.

"Oh, come on, you can't say you don't recognize me," the stranger said. Astrid focused hard on the man's features. She shook her head, no.

"I guess you can't tell without the wings," the man said. Now, Astrid was even more confused.

"Riker, Scale Walker at your service, mam," Riker said. He held up a finger, telling her to hold on a second.

"Even an old man like me can pick up a few tricks," Riker said, within a moment, a large set of black wing sprouted out of the mans back. Astrid laughed and envelope the man in a hug. She hadn't seen her friend in five long years. She never realized how much she missed the odd, winged people, her mind has been on Hiccup ever since that unfaithful day.

"Riker! What are you doing here! I thought you'd be with Hiccup," Astrid said, taking a step from the man to get a better look at him. Riker seemed to grow sad, it was hard to tell what he was feeling. He was like Astrid, in a way, with how he showed his emotions. A crowd had gathered and Riker seemed to notice this for the first time. He quickly shooed them away.

He motioned the riders to follow him. Riker led them into the woods, the gang not really approving of it, but Astrid assured them that Riker could be trusted. They ended up in front of a large boulder, Riker asked for some help in moving it. The boulder was pushed away, revealing a large cavern, Riker ushered them inside.

It looked like the cove back on Berk, except rocks covered the ceiling and floor. There was still a pond like the cove on Berk, it was even fed by a small waterfall. Riker gave an order to the dragons who had been following. The lizards pushed the boulder back into place and waited for their riders outside. Riker and everyone else sat in a circle beside the pond.

"I have some... Unfortunate news, for you all," Riker said, moving his eyes around the group, the riders also glancing at each other.

"Wha- what do you... Mean?" Astrid asked, nervous that their journey would be cut short. Riker sighed.

"I... Don't know where Hiccup is," Riker said, "I can't see him through the Dragon Line anymore."

"Wait! Whats the..." Tuffnut began, but was cut off by a frustrated Astrid.

"What do you mean you can't see him?" she asked, an odd felling of sadness, frustration and anger. Riker sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Hiccup had learned to control the Dragon Line, he disconnected himself. I don't even know how to do that," Riker said. Astrid couldn't wrap her head around it, why would Hiccup not want to be found. What was so important for him to stay hidden?

"Something happened, Riker. And you're not saying," Astrid yelled, standing up with her arms folded across her chest. Riker groaned, Astrid would not like the news he was about to share.

"Sit down, Astrid, I'll tell you, but you have to promise to be rational, to control your anger," he said. Astrid sat down.

"Since when do I..."

"A lot," Fishlegs said, but regretted it when Astrid shot him a death glare. Riker shook his head.

"Hiccup is a great man and a great leader," Riker began, "he visited places that I have never known to exist. Most islands he couldn't help with the dragons, since he ruled most of them, but, he helped in other ways, like working in their forge and helping to build houses and what not. But, the thing he did most of all, was help hiccups, like himself, to get a better life. He gave them the choice to go and live on his island. A lot did."

"So, he kinda created an orphanage?" Fishlegs asked. Riker shrugged.

"Kinda," he said, "it was more like a home. He gave each kid a dragon so they could go and visit their family, but they lived on the island. When I was there they said that Hiccup gave them a life worth living. And, that was what Hiccup wanted." Riker laughed, remembering the time when he lived on the island.

"OK, OK, can you please tell us what happened to Hiccup? We get that Hiccup was a good guy, but we all want to know what happened to him," Astrid said. Riker looked at the ground, not wanting look at the group before him. "Well..." Astrid prodded and Riker shook his head, there was no getting around this.

"Hiccup made a lot of friends, some of those friends were very highly ranked, some of them saw the power Hiccup possessed, and one of those friends wanted it all," He looked at Astrid with a serious expression. "Hiccup has been dethroned, Astrid."

Everyone's eyes went wide. They looked among themselves, not fully believing and hoping that someone would give them something to clear things up. But, it was what it was, Hiccup the Dragon King, was no longer dragon king.

"Somehow," Riker went on, "Hiccup managed to get all of the children to safety. But, most dragons had to stay, for the new king could use the dragon line to find them."

"Some? Why not all the dragons?" Astrid said.

"Some dragons are very powerful in strength and will, those types of dragon can, also, control the dragon line. The only two people with dragons that can do that though are Hiccup and Dane," Riker said.

"Dane? Hey, that sounds like the kid we're going to go see," Tuffnut said. Riker shot Astrid a glance.

"You're going to go see Dane? How did you even hear about his name? He should be hiding away with Hiccup and the other rescues," The Walker said. Astrid gave him a questioning look.

"Dane has been selling merchandise, made by Hiccup, to a trader that goes to our island," she said. Riker stroked his black beard in thought.

"Why would Hiccup send his son to trade? That's giving the enemy a chance to find them. I have no doubt that the new King has spies littered across multiple islands looking for them. He knows that Hiccup is the only one who could stop him," Riker said, voicing his thoughts. The young adults didn't have an answer. Riker sat where he was, muttering to himself, 'why.'

"Do you even know who the new king is?" Astrid questioned. Riker shook his head.

"That's one of the worst parts, no one knows who he, or she, is," Riker said.

"OK, there is something that has been bothering me," Tuffnut said. Everyone, except Riker, groaned. "Why did our dragons have to stay outside?" Riker shook his head. He didn't even know the kid and could already tell he was an idiot.

"Those dragons are connected to the Dragon Line an..." Riker began, but was interrupted by the same idiot.

"And another thing, what in Thor's name is a 'Dragon Line'?"

"Every dragon is connected, we call that the dragon line. Those in power of the dragons can tap into it and see what they're seeing and hear what they're hearing," Astrid explained, "that is why the dragons are outside, so they don't hear or see us. That right, Riker?" He nodded.

"Now, onto the matter at hand, we still don't know why on earth Dane is out there, making himself known to the entire freaking archipelago!" Riker said, clearly agitated and confused. Fishlegs shrugged one shoulder.

"We'll find out tomorrow. We're on our way to see him," he said. Riker shook his head.

"You find him, you're going to make him take you to Hiccup and everything's perfect. That the plan?" Riker said. Astrid opened her mouth to speak, but Riker continued. "You find Hiccup, you'll lead the king right to them. Next thin you know, you wake up battered and bruised, laying in pile of bloody bodies." Riker stood up, his knees cracking. "You can not go looking for Hiccup. If he dies, we all die."

The Walker made his way to the large stone that was blocking the exit. He gave a loud call so that it would carry through the boulder. Moments later, the large rock was pushed away by the dragons, allowing the last few rays of sun to break through and pierce the dimness of the cave.

Walker headed back to the village, the dragons and riders in tow. They walked in silence, pondering over the information that was shared in the cave, old and new. Astrid wondered how he became chief and why he wasn't with Hiccup. She guessed it was because of the whole Dragon Line thing, maybe the new king could tap into Riker's dragon line... WAIT.

Astrid ran up to the old Walker (who was 25 in human years, but 540 in dragon years)

"Um, Riker, this may be a bad time to bring this up, but, can the new king tap into the Dragon Line and see what you're seeing and hear what you're hearing?" She said, Riker rolled his eyes and looked Astrid in the eye, but his expression changed when her words sunk in. It was like an explosion of realization went off. Suddenly, Riker took off, walking much faster, his eyes darting this way and that. The riders had to jog to keep up with the man.

"Hurry," Riker said, "the new king knows about you, I'm sure." Riker darted down another path, his wings appeared on his back. "We have to get back to the village, meet me there. Then, we will talk about our next move." Riker took off, beating his powerful wings. The riders stood and watched him take off, dazed. Astrid was the first to snap out of it and she ushered the others onto their dragons. Soon, they were on their way to the village.

Riker was there, talking to someone Astrid didn't know or recognize. They landed their dragons right behind the Walker.

"... You're in charge," Riker was saying to the man. The stranger seemed reluctant, his eyes not looking at Riker's and his arms crossed against his chest. "There is an urgent matter that I must attend to." Riker continued, not acknowledging Astrid and the others.

"What are you talking about, chief?" The man said.

"There is a power rising, I must see to it that it doesn't get out of hand. Besides, I am not very popular with this... 'Power', the longer I stay here the more danger I am bringing to you, your family and everyone else on this rock," Riker said. Now, the stranger seemed to accept the responsibility. Riker held out his hand, the man grabbed it firmly and shook it.

"Don't stay away too long," the man said, "I can't run this place like you." Riker laughed.

"Well, guess this is good bye. I hate to leave you like this, ya know, to explain the situation to everyone." Riker said. The strangers eyes widened in realization; he opened his mouth to speak, but Riker took off.

"Come on, Astrid," Riker called with a booming voice that could only be matched by Stoick's. Astrid jumped back onto Stormfly without wasting a second, the other riders groaned, annoyed with all the quick moving. But, they were all flying high in the dark sky. Riker in front with the riders behind him in a 'V' formation.

Everything was quiet under the thick, black clouds. Riker seemed alert, looking up and down and side to side.

"Um, sir," Fishlegs said, he was on Riker's left.

"Yes, what is it boy?" Riker said, not looking at Fishlegs.

"Well, I was wondering, what happened to the others?"

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when you were at Berk? I thought there was more of you... Uh... Walkers?" Now Riker looked at the boy, his eyes were full of sorrow and loss at the memory of his fellow Walkers.

"Riker?" Astrid asked, the Walker shook his head. He hadn't realized that he had drifted off into thought.

"Hade, April and Amelia are some of the best people I have ever met. They stuck with me through thick and thin, even when my wing was broken and an uncountable amount of enemies had us pinned. Those three hero's fought to protect me when I couldn't fight. They were winning, too, but there was to many of them and..." Riker took a long, shaky and heartfelt sigh, trying to hold back tears "... and, one by one, my friends were killed trying to protect me. Amelia the last one standing."

Everything went into a sickening silence and, for awhile, staid unbroken. Until, Snotlout's complete disregard for people's feelings, provoked him to speak up.

"Well, how did you make it out if your friends died?" He said.

"SNOTLOUT!" Astrid yelled, snapping her head over her shoulder to look at him.

"What!" Snotlout said, completely unaware of what he did wrong. "We were all thinking it," Astrid couldn't believe him sometimes. She almost jumped off her dragon and onto his, ready to beat the man senseless, but Riker spoke up.

"Hiccup," he said, "before the king's dragons could finish me off, Hiccup and Toothless arrived. They fought like warriors and had the dragons retreating. Next thing I knew I was at a little hideout, my wing in some kind of sling only Hiccup could design."

"OK, but why aren't you with Hiccup now?" Astrid said.

"Dragon Line. Hiccup knew the new king could find him if I stayed," Riker shook his head. "I can't believe I forgot that the king could see me through the line." They continued to fly to Glorl in silence.

It was a peaceful night, with dark clouds in the sky being reflected in the still ocean below. Everything was going smoothly, Riker even relaxed a bit. Big mistake. A skrill broke through the clouds, diving strait at Riker. Astrid saw it and tried to warn Riker, but it was to late. The Skrill tackled Riker. He gave a scream in pain as the dragon's talons ripped into his flesh and the two hurtled towards the water. More dragons broke through the clouds, the riders tried to defend themselves, but the enemies numbers were to great. One by one, Astrid and her friends were knocked out of the sky and sent hurtling to the icy depths of the ocean. Then, there was darkness.
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[b][color=#d51c1c]The Lemon God[/color][/b]

'The sequel to*' not too :) . I'll read you fics soon, I'm nearly done with the series I'm on right now.
Top Poester for 6 Months Award :D
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Monstrous Nightmare

Amazing job! I'll keep reading!
What should I write on my signature? Hmm...
I am a Httyd, Gravity Falls and Portal (One and two) fan.
I'm also a bookworm and an introvert.
That was pretty random, but that's me summed up in two sentences.
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mystery dragon, pic drawn by night fury fire. Thank you :)

Agreed, great job. Can't wait to read more.
Dragons, need I say more.

Hiccup, chief of berc, dragon master.
Toothless, alpha dragon.
You and me bud we can do this, as one.
It's just a zipple misunderstanding
I like a pit, but I love a boar pit.
i am hurt,I am very much hurt.
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