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What would ruin it for you?
Topic Started: 27 Mar 2016, 18:22 (6607 Views)
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Keep smiling.

I just want them to get the ending right for once. They already screwed it up (for me) twice. If the third one will be again too cliché, too forced, too easy, too simple like the other two, I will be left disappointed no matter what happens in the movie.

I personally am okay with seeing another (even female) Night Fury. Even spending 10 minutes watching a marriage as long as it has an aesthetic (and perhaps historical) value in it and just comes out natural (likelihood of which can be discussed for long). If it makes sense, if it fits the world and the story arc, I'm okay with almost everything.

Some of the thing I am not okay with: wrongly placed humour, inadequate character reactions, cliché/forced scenes, characters with little to no backstory (yes, I'm looking at you Drago); those are some of the things that can make the movie bad for me.
But it's mostly the ending I'm curious about; if they can finally do it right.
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Hideous Zippleback

Did you read the books? Those were done right, and that gives me hope for HTTYD 3 since I think they're supposed to end in a similar way.

I know in a previous comment I stated that I was vehemently opposed to seeing more night furies in the third movie, and I would still prefer just Toothless, but I've come to realize that this franchise has ways of pleasantly surprising me with things that I thought they couldn't possibly do.
Case and point: Dagur in RTTE. Before the latest season was released, I said that there was no way that they could keep him alive and in the show for the next thirteen episodes because RTTE had decimated most things that made him a remotely likable character. When I watched the season, I was surprised that he remained both alive and in the show for all thirteen episodes, but they pulled him into the plot in a way that I would never have thought to do. Now, I am so excited to see what they do with his character in the third installment.
My opinion was completely changed in a five-minute portion of the show. And this is the movies we're talking about! So, I've decided that, no matter what I may have opinions about, I'm going to go into it with an open mind, and I'll hopefully be drawn in and delighted by the end of Hiccup's story, multiple night furies or no.

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Keep smiling.

No, I didn't read the books, so I can't judge that. Still, having similar ending with the book doesn't mean getting to the ending the same way as the books did. I guess we'll have to wait and see. ;)

I really do think DWA should've drawn more from the Norse mythology, and expose it more in the movies. That would have made the world a lot more interesting. Perhaps they will do just that in the third movie!
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Hideous Zippleback

That we will! :)

I really like Norse mythology, and I've spent an absurd amount of time reading about historical Viking culture and lifestyle, but, for me, that and Dragons has always stayed separate. HTTYD has its own awesome culture and mythology surrounding dragons: the original book of dragons, which has been expanded on in the show and shorts, and the entire island of Berk in HTTYD 2 (dragon-topia)! Maybe there would be something gained by pulling in some history, though- it would add detail to the human side of the Dragons world.
(I think I basically just wanted to say that I love Vikings, real or fictional. No, I don't watch the show Vikings. Yes, I am aware that all of the Vikings pictured below are, in fact, fictional.)

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[b]Titan Wing

If Astrid and Hiccup break up.
If Stoick returns from the dead.
If Valka dies.
If the whole crew falls in 'love', like each of them gets a partner.
If one dragon doesn't die.
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Toothless the nightfury
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Deadly Nadder

30 Mar 2016, 00:07
If one dragon doesn't die.
yes i couldn't agree more with that

be brave dreamworks kill off stormfly shees expendable theres plenty more nadders about

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Dunno what to say here.....

You know what I want? Toothless: No, they don't... Quiet, Toothless!

Now, what I want to see.

You know how they killed off Stoick, and weren't afraid of doing so? That's what I want to see more of. I want them to be brave, and go dark.

I know it's not that likely, considering it is rated PG, but I wat them to push the boundaries.

What I think would be awesome, badass and quite satisfying, would be this;

Drago returns, or some new villain shows up, and destroys Berk. Killing everyone. Vikings and Dragons. It's excletionally dark, and there's pretty much no chance they would do it. But I'm going to continue this any way. ,annoy because I'll probably write a fanfoction on it.

Hiccup and Toothless are the only survivors; The villain is hunting down all dragons, and driving them to extinction- like it's been hinted at.

Here's where I think would be a good turn; Hiccup and Toothless go dark. They set out to get revenge or do something with the plot (nothing magical. Staying with the HttyD rule. Magic is permitted only in fanfics.).

However. Eventually, leads to a big battle, or something, that kills either of them. Then, the other leaves to get revenge, defeating the villain (perhaps killing them off) and it ends. The likely one of the duo to die would be Toothless, for reasons they would come up with.

Now, I lnpw where the issue lies.

PG. Rating. Too. Dark. And. Violent.

And to me, this is kinda sad. Because I feel it would be, while sad, a strong finish for the franchise.

For one, it covers the whole 'There used to be dragons', two, it isn't cliche, and three, it brings that wilder Toothless we want back, teaches the kids not all ends happily, and it's not including far fetched magic, and lastly, it's not bringing in the Night Furies cliche, especially the female one, or the Hiccstrid thing. Also, I know it doesn't really work with the 'How to TRAIN your Dragon' thing, but hey, neither did the sequel, if you think about it.

Now, I still wouldn't really mind if any of those happened- ok, MAYBE not the really cliche ones like the Night Furies, especially the female thing. As much as I love Toothless, and want to see him happy, Dreamworks needs to forget it, Hiccup is EVERYTHING he'll ever need. That's my last say on it.

To be honest, I'll probably be happy with whatever we get. Sure, I might liek one plot over the other, but in the end, I just love the Franchise as a whole.

Now, last thing, I'm really amazed by everyone's thoughts here! It's fantastic, and I love seeing everyone contribute.

....Although I still really want to see a dark HttyD, which is probably rated M.... Especially if it's live action. A Dragons Anime wouldn't be half bad, either.... Just saying........ That's probably just my fanfiction side talking, though. XD


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Keep smiling.

Well, there already is an upcoming R-rated animated movie. Once studios see this is something they can get away with (earn higher profits), we might see more of those coming; perhaps even HTTYD.
However, that's highly unlikely since the franchise has already been established as "family friendly".

But that doesn't mean it can't get dark.

I think killing off the entire Berk is not a good idea though (Hiccup and Toothless being the only survivors is cliché by the way; maybe if a handful of people survived, or were crippled for life, that would make it a tad more bearable as a plot twist, but still not a good idea I think). A lot of people complain about how DWA focuses on the human stories instead of the dragon ones, and I can't say it's not true. But you certainly don't want to suppress either of those too much. The world is complex, and it should be portrayed in all its complexity. Therefore, I want to see a bit from everything. A bit from Toothless' story, a bit of Hiccup struggling with being a chief, a bit of the dragon lore that's behind the behaviour of certain species of dragons, a bit of Hiccstrid, something that would explain how in the world the gang dragons (Stormfly and co.) were so easily tamed at the end of the first movie, a bit from Valka's story, Drago's story, and perhaps a little bit from the every day of live on Berk, how the human and dragon worlds coexist in the same environment, and how Berk fits into the wider picture with other tribes, what are Berk's relations with those. All those details we often overlook in our own lives, I want to see them.
This all is possible in a PG film, but I'm not sure if one can fit all that into 90 minutes when you count the actual story.

Destroying Berk would also destroy a lot of potential they were building during the first two movies. The potential that comes from the events of especially the second movie; will Berkians trust Hiccup as a chief? He barely grew up, Stoick didn't manage to raise him into that role. He's inexperienced, naive (also shown in the second movie), and clearly doesn't want to lead the entire tribe either. His heart is elsewhere. He can't be even half of the chief Stoick was, he simply doesn't have the qualities to be a good leader. What if other houses (for example the Jorgensens) try to use this very rare opportunity and usurp the leadership? I don't see Berk as an utopistic fairytale, humans are simply humans just like dragons are simply dragons. You can't help their nature.
If they make Hiccup the "best chief ever", that's something I'm most likely be not going to be okay with.

Either way, I can totally see Hiccup going rampage after his naive view of the world collapes once the reality starts to kick in. It's easy to lose sanity in such situation, and he might do some very, very silly and bad things. Another reason why he won't be a good chief. Not yet anyway. That would be an interesting twist, and a bit of a revolution too - that there are no heroes and villains, that everyone, humans and dragons alike, have their angels and also demons hidden inside.

One interesting twist would be Toothless becoming a brutal militaristic dictator in his dragon world. 'cause look, he meets all the criteria: rare, secretive, intelligent, powerful, intimidating, something that the hunted fear, and something those who hunt want to get at all costs. The ultimate trophy. Possibly the most bullied dragon species? I think Toothless realizes that he's a member of a very rare species, and given by natural instincts he'd do everything to preserve his kind. Even if it means being a jerk to everyone else. I'd be interesting to see how Hiccup deals with that. You know, power corrupts. Once you get a taste of leadership, you'll start to want more, and more, and more... Both Hiccup and Toothless will be exposed to that temptation. They have to be; otherwise that would be another minus point in my book. But yeah, that's just me being very, very finicky. :D

I could write like that all day, but I gotta save something for the next post. :D

One thing is certain, the last movie will be dark to a certain extent. Falling from the golden age of dragons to the moment where they're simply gone in a single human lifespan, that will have to happen in a rather radical way.

We'll see what the future holds! ;)
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Dunno what to say here.....

Indeed. That's just my dark mind at work, I'm afraid. XD
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[color=blue]I'm just here for Snotlout.

Tired of the tame version of Toothless and the flat personality of the other dragons, we need to see ferocity and more individual characterization in all dragons.

Also, if the minor gang gets literally no role escape flying around uselessly.
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