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How to Train Your Dragon: The Serpent's Heir
Topic Started: 14 Oct 2015, 13:08 (7887 Views)
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Dragon Egg

13 Oct 2015, 01:21
Toothless the nightfury
11 Oct 2015, 09:29
11 Oct 2015, 05:57
Could also just be doing this because DW doesn't think it's worth the cost currently to use a show to cover the time in between the second and third movie.
very good point. it would likely be more expensive to cancel RTTE than keep it going at this point

saying this the films leading up to HTTYD3's relice look promising hopefully they will make enough money on those films to get DW out of the problems its currently having
If I'm not mistaken RTTE shouldn't be all that expensive on DW's part anymore. Considering the show is aired only on netflix I would say it's pretty safe to assume that they probably paid for the majority or a large portion of it's funding so really it's netflix that needs to make back on that. And in netflix's case (If I'm not mistaken) the way they usually see if they want to renew a show for more seasons is by number of unique views that were full watches (correct me if I'm wrong). Since the current season is still going and covering the time between the first and second movies they probably don't want to look into acquiring another season just yet. So we may still get another show for the time frame between the second and third movies if a network thinks it's worth picking up after their deal with netflix ends if netflix doesn't renew it. But since DW has gone forward with doing this it may be indicative that netflix wasn't interested in renewing their deal, or there wasn't any network currently interested in picking up the show after RTTE either.

Or it's entirely possible this is what DW wanted to do instead of another show. Or maybe DeBlois convinced them to let him do this instead of another show, because he may have wanted more control of this particular time frame and what happens during.

It doesn't all have to be doom and gloom. :P
Race to the Edge is at least two seasons long with 26 episodes in each season. Race to the Edge is the name of the show, not the name of the current season. Also, by the end of the last episode of the Race to the Edge show they will have gone right up to where the second movie starts. This show is meant to show how things got to where they were at the start of the second film.

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Lone Dragon

14 Oct 2015, 17:08
13 Oct 2015, 01:21
Toothless the nightfury
11 Oct 2015, 09:29
very good point. it would likely be more expensive to cancel RTTE than keep it going at this point

saying this the films leading up to HTTYD3's relice look promising hopefully they will make enough money on those films to get DW out of the problems its currently having
If I'm not mistaken RTTE shouldn't be all that expensive on DW's part anymore. Considering the show is aired only on netflix I would say it's pretty safe to assume that they probably paid for the majority or a large portion of it's funding so really it's netflix that needs to make back on that. And in netflix's case (If I'm not mistaken) the way they usually see if they want to renew a show for more seasons is by number of unique views that were full watches (correct me if I'm wrong). Since the current season is still going and covering the time between the first and second movies they probably don't want to look into acquiring another season just yet. So we may still get another show for the time frame between the second and third movies if a network thinks it's worth picking up after their deal with netflix ends if netflix doesn't renew it. But since DW has gone forward with doing this it may be indicative that netflix wasn't interested in renewing their deal, or there wasn't any network currently interested in picking up the show after RTTE either.

Or it's entirely possible this is what DW wanted to do instead of another show. Or maybe DeBlois convinced them to let him do this instead of another show, because he may have wanted more control of this particular time frame and what happens during.

It doesn't all have to be doom and gloom. :P
Race to the Edge is at least two seasons long with 26 episodes in each season. Race to the Edge is the name of the show, not the name of the current season. Also, by the end of the last episode of the Race to the Edge show they will have gone right up to where the second movie starts. This show is meant to show how things got to where they were at the start of the second film.
I was referring to the licensing of another httyd dragon show in general new name and all that. Granted I probably could have been more clear about this but I'm no expert on the subject of licensing, syndication, and etc.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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Lone Dragon

http://www.theworkprint.com/how-to-trai ... -horse/123

New article where DeBlois and Hamilton were asked some questions, sheds a bit more light on the novels.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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Hideous Zippleback

17 Oct 2015, 04:22
http://www.theworkprint.com/how-to-trai ... -horse/123

New article where DeBlois and Hamilton were asked some questions, sheds a bit more light on the novels.
I really like a few of the quotes from this article. I'm excited to see how they show the character development of the new cast from HTTYD 2 and the originals- learning how they work as a team to restore Berk or where the problematic relationships are. I imagine that Eret and Snotlout would butt heads quite a lot because Eret seems like a natural leader and strong personality, and Snotlout would likely be jealous and try to compete with him with his equally strong attitude.

I also can't wait for more new characters, places, and dragons. The promise of exploration and an expansion of the dragon world in Race to the Edge was one of the most appealing things to me about the newest season of the show, and I'm still on the edge of my seat as I wait to meet the tribe behind the Dragon Eye. More stuff like that? Yes, please!
One thing that I'm not sure will ever be covered but would really like to see in the comics is a glimpse upon the Berserker tribe. Thus far, we don't know what's going to happen to Dagur, but I am SO interested to see how DeBlois and Hamilton would portray either (1) how his tribe (families and children have to exist) survives without a sane, steady leader, or (2) if Dagur's character is ended, what the tribe would be like in that recollection time because he has no heir, and I doubt his sister would be willing to return. I'll admit, I do have my own fictionalized stories here about the people under Dagur's rule, but it would be so awesome to know what the writers of the movies and show think.

The best Secret Odin GIF(t) ever, made for me by DeWhite! Thank you! :D
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Lone Dragon

It also seems like from how DeBlois talks in the article that he's not to involved with this project. He's more hands on then he is with say the show, but not so much that it takes time from the movie. Which is good in my opinion since it means he's spending most of his time on the movie. Though I do still like that he's helping somewhat more with this project. Means we get something that's somewhat more direct form him.

I'm also interested in the idea of the first novel covering Hiccup getting "a glimpse of what it would be like if he had abdicated the throne and decided to give up being the chief of Berk what that could portend for the people and dragons of Berk." Something we may not get to see covered in the movie so it's nice to see it gone over since we know he's never really been for this, so I'm curious to see how they handle it. I'm hopeful that when they say will get more character development from the rest of the gang they mean it this time to. While I love the show they still seem to leave characters wanting for more sometimes. Case in point Ruff and Tuff, but I can see why that is considering you don't have much to much work with.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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Terrible Terror

Oh wow, I cant wait for this.
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My only master is the free wind

Quick question, was a release date given and I just happened to miss it? The countdown on the site says it's coming out on April 23rd(Fast conculation), but I don't remember hearing anything about it.

Anybody knows something?
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Lone Dragon

07 Mar 2016, 16:24
Quick question, was a release date given and I just happened to miss it? The countdown on the site says it's coming out on April 23rd(Fast conculation), but I don't remember hearing anything about it.

Anybody knows something?
Close you were off by three days. :P

It's april 26th, but you'll have to ask IcelandicEel (or someone else will have to chime in) about where that specific date came from. So far the only thing I've found about a release date is 2016. I know Darkhorse didn't have it scheduled on their upcoming list unless I missed it.
See you in the skies Dragon Rider!

The Dragon Root:Thing what I wrote.

Is Toothless Evil? :Me possibly being crazy, but fun.

The BerkCast The HTTYD podcast, you should listen.
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10 Oct 2015, 21:06
Do you think they're trying to use these comic books in place of a TV/Netflix series that would bridge the second and third movies (like RTTE is doing for the first and second movies now)?
Most likely, but the current TV series on netflix takes place at least two years before HtTYD2. Most likely Darkhorse will be leading up to HtTYD3. Until Netflix confirms that a 3rd season is coming up, I'm looking forward to seeing this new comic since I was a fan of Dark Horse when they were doing Star Wars still.
J. L. Polacek
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