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What was your favorite part of RTTE Season 3?
The visuals 3 (8%)
The character development of the riders 10 (26%)
The new dragons 0 (0%)
Episode 11 14 (36%)
The Defenders of the Wing 4 (10%)
The overarching struggle against Viggo 3 (8%)
'Dat cliffhanger 4 (10%)
Something else I'm too tired to think of 1 (3%)

RTTE Season 3 Poll
Topic Started: 25 Jun 2016, 12:47 (2804 Views)
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Dunno what to say here.....

25 Jun 2016, 16:42
This season really was great, but Episode 11 wins for me.
I already expected something like this to happen, but it still caught me off guard, because it just happened within one Episode.

Plus, it really reminded me of the ending of book 11. ;)
Agreed.... Just look at the Poll, I think EVERYONE voted for it. Understandably, it's the first episode of the show to actually make me cry... And the second time in the whole show they've killed someone off... In a sad way...


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The Skrill of all Skrills...

I'm actually really impressed with the music for the season. Unlike the other seasons, including RoB and DoB, the music always felt quite lacklustre. It was never bad, but was never stirring enough to get me pumped up. Plus they always just used slightly modified, less epic versions of the tracks from the movies. In the new season, I noticed they modified some of the original music a lot, and they even added some new tracks too. The music VASTLY improved and actually got me very pumped. Credit to John Paesano.
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Grape Master

25 Jun 2016, 07:11
25 Jun 2016, 06:53
24 Jun 2016, 22:43
Buffalord Solider was MY favorite!!! You really see just how much Astrid means to Hiccup!!! I mean he was willing to risk the LAST Buffalord for her!!!
:hiccup: <3 :astrid:
Agreed, i liked this one also. But i also liked that hicup was able to out smart viggo in the end on this one. :D
Definitely. I love how he knew it all along- he didn't go back on his word, it happened on its own. TAKE THAT, VIGGO!
I love it when Hiccup beats Viggo- too bad it happens so rarely!
"You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon..." ~ Valka, How To Train Your Dragon 2
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Dunno what to say here.....

27 Jun 2016, 04:09
I'm actually really impressed with the music for the season. Unlike the other seasons, including RoB and DoB, the music always felt quite lacklustre. It was never bad, but was never stirring enough to get me pumped up. Plus they always just used slightly modified, less epic versions of the tracks from the movies. In the new season, I noticed they modified some of the original music a lot, and they even added some new tracks too. The music VASTLY improved and actually got me very pumped. Credit to John Paesano.
THANK YOU! Finally! Other than the amazing of 'Tone Death' and I'm disqualifying that, because it IS a musical, the best music has to go to when the Defenders (AKA crazy dragon-loving ninjas) and Queen Mala is introduced... When that clip arrived, I screamed at the end, and was mostly silent during watching it, because I had chills in my spine. Just.... That music....! <3 :O :D
Save the Earth... It's the only planet with donuts!

May the stars watch over you, the dragons roar at the sound of your name, and peace, love and the truth enlighten your heart forever,
May you stay true to your soul, mind and heart. Your choices, opinions and life are solely your own, give only the ones you hold dear to your heart your heart, and all your word. Make the right choices, and tread carefully, and live your life to its very fullest,
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