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Topic Started: 17 May 2014, 16:20 (10800 Views)
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Escaped from an asylem

I don't know how true it is about Gobber being gay. But if he is, then I'd be ok with it.:)
"There's something you must remember when riding a dragon. There's no manual, no safety harness, no guarantees when you're on one of these beasts. All you have is the wind in your hair, and the clothes on your back. The only thing between you and that dragon is your saddle. You need to hold onto it for dear life, as that creature takes you the skies. That, is dragon riding."
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Berserk Shieldmaiden
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Superior Warriorness

17 May 2014, 19:21
17 May 2014, 19:10
Yeah there was a different thread where lots of people were getting pissed at each other (I was one of them admittedly).

Max deleted it yesterday.
I see. I really didn't expect homophobia in this fandom of all places.
I don't think it has to do with homophobia. It just seems like the media is going overboard with the whole gay thing already. How many times do we hear about an athlete or actor coming out or which state has gay marriage now. A LOT! People are just getting tired of it.
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Berserk Shieldmaiden
17 May 2014, 20:25
17 May 2014, 19:21
17 May 2014, 19:10
Yeah there was a different thread where lots of people were getting pissed at each other (I was one of them admittedly).

Max deleted it yesterday.
I see. I really didn't expect homophobia in this fandom of all places.
I don't think it has to do with homophobia. It just seems like the media is going overboard with the whole gay thing already. How many times do we hear about an athlete or actor coming out or which state has gay marriage now. A LOT! People are just getting tired of it.
Ok, yeah sure. But all these developments are good things, aren't they? Including more diverse characters in fiction.
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Pirate Lord of the Berk archipelago

It's honestly odd to think of Gobber as gay to me, lol. I have no problem with a character being gay, but Gobber would be the last one I would have guessed. I also like how it is just vaguely mentioned, and it's not a huge deal in the movie.

Kind of like Oaken in Frozen having a male partner and children, and it was hardly noticed. "Hoo-hoo!" :D
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....Son of Eret

^i know this is getting OT but the sauna guy is not gay and he doesn't count as representation, especially since nobody at disney had the guts to make any sort of comment about it, unlike Dean
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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Honestly, I think there's as much in-movie evidence to suggest that the sauna guy is gay as there is to suggest that Gobber is gay, that is, a single line or moment that can most definitely be taken that way.

As for what creators say, I don't put too much stock in it. Writers can intend any number of things that are either not in the text or outright contradict what's in the text (the latter tends to be a very good sign of a bad story).

In this case, both the sauna guy and Gobber being gay certainly appear to be the most sensible interpretation of the evidence, but let's just say that if someone wanted to write a fanfic where Gobber is romantically involved with a woman, then I would have no objections on grounds of canon.

Not that I really care about the sexuality of most characters all that much.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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....Son of Eret

If the creator says a character is gay then the character is gay............... assuming a character is gay because it doesn't look like theres another woman in the family (which lol there was, she was right there but whatever ugh frozen fans etc etc etc) is cool and all but its not confirmation and the bigwigs at Disney will never say anything anyway. Gobber is confirmed to be gay. There is literal, tangible confirmation from the horses mouth himself. You cannot argue with that. There is a difference.

I don't care how people write any character in fanfic either, thats why its fanfic, thats completely irrelevant.

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Cartoon Freak
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Deadly Nadder

Putting aside the Frozen issue (I'm not a huge fan of it; I've seen it a couple of times and never really paid much attention to the sauna bit), let's focus on Gobber. What evidence in the texts of the franchise (so, within the film universe, that amounts to the feature films, the shorts, and the TV series) is there to show that he's gay? Unless I've missed something, or unless DeBlois isn't mentioning something relevant from HTTYD 2 (either is possible, of course). Then we have three things:

1. He is not married to a woman, nor has he ever been.

2. He has never shown any interest in a woman.

3. He says that there is "one other reason" why he never married.

Now, none of that is decisive evidence that someone is gay (okay, I suppose it might be possible for Ferguson's delivery to turn the line into decisive evidence, but I have no idea how he would pull it off). For example, from all of that evidence, he could be asexual and not want children, thus leaving no reason for him to get married or seek a relationship with a woman.

As for DeBlois' intentions, writers have intended a lot of things that simply aren't in the text, or outright contradict it. It's what's in the text that matters.

For what it's worth, I personally believe from the evidence that Gobber is gay, since it just seems more probable than the other explanations that ran through my head. But I'm not going to claim it as a certainty without something a bit more conclusive than an off-hand comment and a writer's intentions.
Number of times I've watched the trailer: 18.

My pet peeve: people who refer to complete strangers by their first name. The correct ways to refer to a "John Smith" whom you have never met are Smith, Mr Smith, or John Smith. Not "John". He's not your buddy.
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i dont think my avatar is working but ehh

Can everyone just forget this thing happened? It's not that big a plot anyways.
i'm not very active anymore!! it's sad, but i'll come back sometimes to feel nostalgic ahaha
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Dragon Egg

18 May 2014, 09:32
Can everyone just forget this thing happened? It's not that big a plot anyways.
Absolutely not. Representation is so very important, and erasing it is a horrible thing to do. Just accept it and move on.
wait what is this button
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