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Dragons: Rise of Berk available internationally!
Topic Started: 27 May 2014, 12:59 (31440 Views)
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27 May 2014, 16:49
How important are the runes? Is it a "pay-to-win" game or is everything possible without buying extra stuff?
I've been playing the game for almost a week and have earned maybe 70 runes without paying for them. They help to speed up the building processes (which can take up to 24hrs) and training session, which can also take hours. you can also use them to buy dragons from the store, the named ones particularly like Stormfly and Barf and Belch. But no, you don't need runes for everything. They are used to upgrade the hatchery for dragon eggs, but other than that I think they're mostly so you can control how fast the game goes. And you need ALOT of them for that.

crap, sorry eret didn't realize you were answering the same thing.
C4P741N 5W4N
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Knight of Fury

How far along is everyone? I'm currently searching for a Changewing.
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I've just bridged the gap to Dragonscale, and am searching for a Zippleback...although I already have one. I'm also trying to collect enough wood to bring the Meade hall to level 7.
C4P741N 5W4N
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27 May 2014, 16:38
27 May 2014, 14:01
Did you guys pay for runes???? 0.o

I'm at 45 vikings, level 18 toothless
I paid for a couple small packs, but won't keep doing that. I think they should make it a little easier to earn runes in the game.
removing rocks help ern them.

and after a certain level they start becoming rewards.
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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....Son of Eret

28 May 2014, 20:28
27 May 2014, 16:38
27 May 2014, 14:01
Did you guys pay for runes???? 0.o

I'm at 45 vikings, level 18 toothless
I paid for a couple small packs, but won't keep doing that. I think they should make it a little easier to earn runes in the game.
removing rocks help ern them.

and after a certain level they start becoming rewards.

Yes but you only get a very small amount from either of those things. For example I just completed a quest where I had to farm 200,000 pieces of wood, and the reward was a measly 3 runes. removing rocks gets you a little more, but not much, and then theres a finite number of rocks anyway, once you mine them all you're SOL. Then when you take in to consideration that the special dragons all cost hundreds of runes a piece..... its impossible to earn enough runes via gameplay. They should either make runes wayyy easier to get (i.e. give more than 3 runes away for difficult/time consuming quests....) or make things cost less runes. Either way theres a huge imbalance there and I understand that Ludia is a business and they got them bills to pay but sheesh... there's a point where it starts to get ridiculous.
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....Son of Eret

Another huge game flaw I'm starting to notice is that wood and fish are of equal difficulty and cost to aquire, level up their basins, upgrade their mills, etc, so it doesn't make any sense that wood is EXTREMELY more important overall. What I mean by that, is that fish is used for feeding dragons, upgrading the saw mill and saw basin, and removing trees. Wood, however, is used for sending dragons to training, upgrading the fish mill and fish basin, removing rocks, upgrading the arena, upgrading the meade hall, building houses, building viking areas, and rebuilding bridges. I'm constantly overflowing on fish and running low on wood. Then I have a bunch of fishing dragons sitting there for hours doing nothing waiting for the wood dragons to collect enough so I can move forward in the game. And then large sums of fish tend to be rewards for completing quests/explorations a lot more often than large sums of wood. The solution in game would be to upgrade the fish basin so I can store more, but alas, I don't have enough wood because I have to spend it all on everything else! It would be a lot more fun if they could make the need for both items a little bit more equal.

I just hope in the next update they fix these problems, because other than that its super fun and addictive.
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[color=blue]I'm just here for Snotlout.

Even if I had a smartphone I don't think I would want this game.... To much work and keeping up at certain hours for me.
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Yea, I have problems keep everything up and running...having enough fish and wood and runes. I have 9 dragons (out of the hangar) right now and have to divide how many do what depending on what I'm running low on. Nadders seem to be the most efficient at gathering...they gather more of fish and wood at a lower level than other dragons. And I really do think runes need to be easier, or like eret said, have things cost less runes.
C4P741N 5W4N
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Night fury fire
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[color=blue]We're fangirls! It's an occupational hazard...

Still searching for a nadder

I spent all my runes :(
I just love the whispering death though!
^_^ ;) :D :$ :P 8) :'( :( ^) :O :blink: >:( <3 <- me seeing httyd 2
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I've only bought runes once to get Stormfly when she was on sale
But with her I got more runes so when Meatlug came on sale i got her got more runes then got Hookfang on sale and I still have about 200 something Runes. It's pretty easy to save them if ypu send your dragons to get wood and fish and do all your upgrades over night or when you're going to be not playing the game for other reasons.
Believe a Dragon Can Thaw A Frozen Heart Role Play Based of HTTYD and Frozen

Around here we don't look back. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.-Walt Disney

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